Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Journalism by Sunil Rajbharat

Journalism is concerned with collection and dissemination of news through the print media as well as the electronic media. It is the timely reporting of events at the local, national and international levels. Reporting involves the gathering of information through interviewing and research, which is then turned into a fair and balanced story for publication or for television or radio broadcast. Thus it is a profession that involves gathering, reporting, and writing, editing, photographing and broadcasting of news. A journalist collects and disseminates information about current events, people, trends, and issues.

Journalism is classified into two on the basis of media- (i) Print Journalism and (ii) Electronic (Audio/Visual) Journalism.

Print journalists can work for a wide variety of newspapers, magazines, journals and technical publications, while broadcast journalists are usually assigned to work for radio and/or television. In print journalism, one can work as the editor, reporter, columnist, correspondent etc whereas in electronic journalism one can be a reporter, writer, editor, researcher, correspondent or an anchor.

If you are thinking of pursuing a career in the field of journalism, the first and foremost thing that you should have is a 'nose for news.' You should also have a keen interest in current affairs, an ability to write in a style which is easy to understand, a lively interest in meeting new people and visiting places and an ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines. You must be a group workers and be able to handle criticism. And above all, as a Journalist, you must have a willingness to accept odd working hours. The uncertainty of the daily routine makes it difficult to assign time for family, personal hobbies, and any regularly scheduled plans; but those who don't like the predictability of ten-to-five jobs are attracted to journalism because "no day resembles the day before."

A candidate holding a certificate level degree or a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university can work as a Journalist. But it is better to have the degree in Journalism. However, solely taking mass communication does not mean one can qualify as a journalist. A degree in Mass Communication and Journalism is a plus point but that doesn't guarantee you a career of a journalist; your skill and your ability count the most. Anybody who has completed the 10+2 or the certificate level equivalent can apply for a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism & Mass Communication. Likewise, A candidate holding a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university can apply for admission to the Master’s in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Jobs have never been a problem for the candidates of journalism as there are lots of media houses for job placements. They can find employment with newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, radio, television channels. Journalists who don't like working in media houses can work as professors, researchers, and analysts. While some may also work in Non-governmental organizations and corporate houses as a communication officer. Pursuing a career in photojournalism or press photography are also some of the varying options available.

And if you still don't like to work in any of the above areas for you detest the office environment, you can still work as a freelancer. Freelance journalists work on their own, often without a regular income. These journalists write on a wide variety of topics for various publications, radio and television stations.

Radio Jockey {RJ}:
Radio Jockey (RJ) is a person who anchors music programs on radio. He/she selects music to be played by interacting with an audience, delivers relevant local, national & international news and information in his very own style. The main task of radio jockey is to entertain & engage an audience in such a way that they feel as events are going in front of them. A successful career in this field requires creativity of mind, good sense of humor, excellent communication skills & ownership of a live appealing voice. This is a profession where people may not know you by your name but by your voice. People instantly connect to your voice. Radio Jockeying is not a regular 9 to 5 job. You can be called to host or anchor a show anytime of the day or night. A Radio Jockey should also be able to write scripts for a show and should be aware of the latest movies, songs & information as well. They should also be familiar with the sound equipment and computer, as they have to deal with them continuously. There is a lot of scope for quick growth. All you need is talent, confidence, and perseverance. There are lots of opportunities for RJ. They can do voice-overs for television and radio advertisements. They can also lend their voices to audio magazines and documentaries. RJ also can anchor or compeer TV shows or live shows or events. Radio is a fast progressing industry with more and more channels opening up. This FM boom has opened up a number of opportunities to young people who have a passion to entertain.

Though no formal educational qualification is required, a degree or at least plus two is generally a prerequisite. The most essential factor for a Radio Jockey is a good voice with the ability to modulate as per the occasion. RJ should have good communication powers and language skills. Besides, RJ should have a clear diction and accurate pronunciation. People listen to you if you have something new to share. Hence, staying updated is very important for a radio jockey. RJ needs to keep track of the happenings in and around the city.

Video Jockey {VJ}
A Video Jockey (VJ) is a person who introduces and plays music videos on television. VJ is responsible for an entertaining audience with his/her entertaining anchoring and presentation. The Video Jockey should adopt a unique style and delivery, which usually determines their popularity among the audience. VJ's work area involves - introducing videos, hosting game & travel, chatting with the public, doing interviews with artists etc. VJ is required to be up-to-date on the latest trends in music, information about music stars and other celebrities. Some of the popular VJs in Nepal are Suraj, Sumit, Saloni, Malvika, Navaraj, Nisha etc. The growth in the TV industry and rise in the number of TV channels have opened a number of opportunities to young, energetic and enthusiastic who has a passion to entertain.

Except, some personal attributes, no specific educational background or qualification is needed to become a Video Jockey. However, a course in public speaking & mass communication can prove to be of great help

Available University/ College:
1. Madan Bhandari Memorial College Binayaknagar Kathmandu Community National Examination Board Tribhuvan University
2. College of Journalism and Mass Communication Tinkune
Kathmandu Private Purbanchal University
3. Kantipur City College Putalisadak, Kathmandu Private Purbanchal University
4. Polygon College Babarmahal Kathmandu Private Purbanchal University
5. Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus (RR Campus) Pradashanimarga Kathmandu Public Tribhuvan University
6. Shepherd College Kalopul Kathmandu Private Purbanchal
7. Bright Vision College Satdobato, Tutepani
Lalitpur Private Tribhuvan University
8. Kathmandu University School of Arts Hattiban
Lalitpur Public Kathmandu University
9. Nona Koirala Media College Biratnagar Morang Private Purbanchal University

Prepared by
Sunil Rajbharat, Jaurnalist, Banepa CBS

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