Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nepali Christian Lyrics And Chords

 जय मसिह!

Nepali Christian Lyrics and Chords App प्रस्तुत गर्दैछ।

यसमा १६८२ गीतहरू छन् र धेरै जसो कोर्दहरू छन्।

यो एपमा कुनै विज्ञापन छैन। यो भिडियोले एप कसरी प्रयोग गर्ने भनेर देखाउँछ।




यो iphone र ipad को लागि हो:

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Evangelical and Apologetical Poem

With prophecies you're born, Out of a virgin woman. There's no one like you. None like you.. Teaching with the authorities, So wonderful your miracle deeds. There's no one like you. None like you..
Living a life of perfection, In you was God's reflection. There's no one like you. None like you.. Mission to bring us back to God, You humbled yourself from being Lord. There's no one like you. None like you.. Taking away our burden, forgiveness of sin by crucifixion. There's no one like you. None like you.. You rose alive defeating death's boasting, Ascended heaven promising second coming. There's no one like you. None like you.. Our Lord is Mighty Our God is Savior You are higher than all the others Our God is awesome Loving and Justifying Our God... Our God... In you we've hope In you we have life Our God... Our God...

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

ख्रीष्टमस – अर्थ के हो ?

ख्रीष्टमस – अर्थ के हो ?
ख्रीष्टियान धर्मशास्त्र पवित्र बाइबलमा आधारित विश्लेषण
हामी जब यस संसारलाई हेर्छौँ हामी कतै पनि शान्ति र आनन्दको अनुभूति गर्न सकिरहेका हुँदैनौँ | मानव जीवनमा सागर झैं समस्याहरू छन्  | चाहे मानिस आफ्नो जीवनमा पढेर, लेखेर, काम गरेर जतिसुकै राम्रो जीवन जिउन कोसिस गरे तापनि फलत: हामीले असन्तोषी हृदय नै देख्छौं | यो प्रश्न आज अत्यन्त बुझ्न आवश्यक छ कि किन आज मानव जातिको मनमा शान्ति छैन ? किन हामीमा दु:ख, पीडा र सङ्घर्ष छन्  ? मानव चाहे जति सुकै शिक्षित होस्, चाहे धनाद्य होस्, चाहे परोपकारी नै किन नहोस्, उसको जीवनमा भएका असंख्य प्रश्नहरुले उसलाई कहिल्यै शान्ति मिल्दैन | आजको युगमा झन् सारा विश्व व्यस्त छ र कसैलाई सोच्ने फुर्सद पनि छैन कि आखिर यो जीवनको अर्थ के हो त ? किन हामी यहाँ छौं र कहाँबाट आयौं ? हामी को हौं ? हामी के का लागि जीवन जिउदैछौँ ? हामीले यो जीवन कसरी जिउने ? र जीवन समाप्ति पछी हाम्रो गन्तव्य के हो ? हो, आज यस्तै प्रश्नहरुले मानव हृदयलाई आफ्नो जीवनको विषयमा सोच्न बाध्य गराउँछ | ऊ भित्र-भित्र निराशाले गुम्सिएको हुन्छ | भित्र-भित्र उसमा पीडा लुकेको हुन्छ | उसमा ती समस्या र जीवनका सङ्घर्षहरु सित लड्ने शक्ति हुँदैन र ऊ सदा समाधान को खोजी गर्छ | संसारका कतिपय जीवन दर्शनले मानवको यस समस्यालाई सम्बोधन गरी समाधान तर्फ मानव जातिलाई दोहोर्याउने प्रयत्न त निश्चय गरेको हुन्छ तापनि मानव जातिमा चाहेर पनि जीवनमा असल गर्ने वा एक आदर्श जीवन यापन गर्ने शक्ति नै हुन्न | न चाहँदा न चाहँदै पनि हामी मानव जातिबाट भुल गल्ती हुन जान्छ | उसको जीवनमा भय, क्रोध, लोभ, लालच, घमण्ड, अत्तेरिपन, घृणा आदिले अशान्ती, पीडा र दु:ख ल्याइदिन्छ | ऊ सदा यी कुराहरुबाट मुक्तिको बाटो खोजिरहेको हुन्छ | आज यसैले गर्दा मानव मानव बीच नै अशान्त छ , कलह छ, फाटो छ, र संसार भताभुङ्ग हुदै गइरहेको छ | तसर्थ, हरेक मानव जातिले यी सबै खराब कुराहरुको जरो बुझ्न आवश्यक छ |
आज विश्वभर ख्रीष्टमसको लहर चलिरहेको छ र मानिसहरु यसलाई सजावोटका सामाग्रीहरु र मनोरन्जनका साथ धुमधाम सँग मनाउने तयारीमा छन् | डिसेम्बर महिनाको २५ तारिकका दिन मनाइने यस पर्वले वास्तवमा सारा मानव जातिको लागि अत्यन्त जरुरी संदेश बोकेको छ | ख्रीष्टमस केवल एक धार्मिक पर्व नभएर यो मानव जातिका लागि एउटा आदर्श जीवनको आशा हो | यस सित हाम्रो जीवनका गहन प्रश्नहरु जोडिएको छ | ख्रीष्टमस ‘ख्रीष्ट’ सित सम्बन्धित छ जसको अर्थ हो अभिषिक्त जन वा मसिह र यसले येशू ख्रीष्टको जन्मको दिनलाई जनाउंदछ | येशू ख्रीष्ट यस जगतमा मानव रूपमा मुक्तिदाता भएर आउनुभएको कुरा धर्मशास्त्र बाइबलले बताउँछ | बाइबलले बताउँछ कि मानव जातिको मूल समस्या उसको पाप हो र उसमा हुने पापको स्वभावका कारण नै उसको जीवनमा समस्याहरु आइपर्छन | बाइबल अनुसार प्रथम मानव जातिले परमेश्वरको आज्ञा उलंघन गरेका कारण उनीहरु पापमा फसे र फल स्वरूप उनीहरु परमेश्वरबाट अलग्गिन पुगे | परमेश्वर र मानव जाति बीचको दुरी वा वियोग नै मानव जीवनमा आइलाग्ने विविध समस्याको जरो हो | परमेश्वरले मानव जातिलाई सिध्द्तामा आफू सित अनन्त संगतीको लागि सृष्टि गर्नु भएको कुरा बाइबलले बताउँछ | तर पापका कारण परमेश्वर सितको सम्बन्ध र संगती टुटे पश्चात मानव जातिको जीवन समस्या ग्रस्त रहन गयो | परमेश्वर सित पुन: मिलाप हुने प्रयत्नहरु मानव जातिले धेरै गरे जसको फल स्वरूप विविध जीवन दर्शनहरु, धर्महरु, विधि विधानहरु बन्न पुगे तर आफ्नै आत्म-प्रयास मार्फत विभिन्न कर्म द्वारा पनि मानव जाति परमेश्वर कहाँ फेरी फर्कन सकेनन् | यसरि दिनानुदिन मानव जाति उहाँबाट टाढिदै गए र धेरैले उहाँलाई बिर्सेर अन्य मार्गहरु जीवनमा अपनाएर अघि बढ्दै गए त कोहिले उहाँको खोजि कायम नै राख्दै विविध इश्वर्शास्त्रहरु प्रतिपादन गरे |

बाइबलले बताए अनुसार मानव जातिलाई उसका पापबाट क्षमाको आवश्यक थियो जसका लागि बलिदानहरु गर्ने चलन प्राचीन युग देखि नै थियो | आफ्नो पाप क्षमाको लागि एक निष्कलंक थुमा/पाठो (वा अन्य जीव जन्तु) को बलिदान गर्न पर्थ्यो जसको अर्थ यहि थियो कि मानवको आफ्नो पाप, भुल, गल्तिले गर्दा एक निर्दोषले आफ्नो ज्यान दिन पर्थ्यो | यसरी मानव जातिले आफुले गरेको भूल र पापको महसुस गरी, त्यसको पश्चात्ताप गरेर क्षमा माग्थ्यो र आफ्ना पापबाट फर्केर जीवन परिवर्तन गर्थ्यो | तर ती सबै बलिदानका कुराहरु भविष्यमा निर्धारण गरिसकेको मुख्य बलिदानको केवल एक छाया मात्र थियो र युगौं युग देखि यो प्रचलन र रीतिरिवाजको रूपमा नै स्थापित हुन पुग्यो | येशूको जन्म यसै कार्यका लागि भएको थियो | उनी अचानक जन्मेका नभएर उनको विषयमा पहिल्यै देखि नै धेरै भविष्यवाणीहरु भइसकेका थिए जस्तै उनको जन्म कहाँ हुने हो, उनको नाउँ के हुने हो, उनको जीवन कस्तो हुने हो, उनि कसरी मानव जातिका लागि बलिदान हुने हो इत्यादि | परमेश्वरले मानव जातिलाई प्रेम गर्नु भएको कारण उहाँले मुक्तिदाताको प्रतिज्ञा गर्नु भयो ताकी कोहि पनि पापका कारण नाश नहोस् तर उसले फेरी परमेश्वर कहाँ फर्कने एक मार्ग पाओस | तसर्थ, येशूमा परमेश्वरले अवतार लिनु भयो जुन मानव जातिका लागि आवश्यक थियो | येशू नामको अर्थ नै मुक्तिदाता हो |

उहाँ परमेश्वरबाट मानव जातिलाई पाप र अधर्मबाट उद्धार गर्न र अनन्त जीवन दिन पठाइएको व्यक्ति ईश्वर पुत्र हुनहुन्छ जसको जन्म कन्याबाट भएको कुरा बाइबलले बताउँछ | ३३ वर्ष सम्मको मात्र जीवन जिउनुभएका येशु ख्रीष्टले आफ्नो जीवन कालमा धेरै आश्चर्यकर्महरु गर्दै, रोगहरु निको पार्दै, शोक, चिन्ता, फिक्री र बोझले दबिएका हरेकलाई निको पार्दै जानुभयो र उद्धार गर्नु भयो | यसका साथै उहाँ आफै एक व्यवहारिक उदाहरण भएर आदर्श जीवन जिउने शिक्षा दिनुभयो | आफू बाचुन्जेल उहाँले सबैको भलाइ गर्दै, असल कामहरु गर्नुहुँदा पनि तत्कालिन समयका यहुदी धर्म गुरुहरुले उहाँ माथि झुटा दोष लगाएर रोमी सेनाहरु मार्फत थुकाइ, पिटाई र अरु शारीरिक पीडा दिएर अन्तमा शिरमा काँडे मुकुट लगाइदिए र हात पाउमा काँटी ठोकी क्रुसमा टाँगेर मारे | तर बाइबलले बताए अनुसार उहाँ तेस्रो दिनमा ईश्वरीय शक्तिद्वारा पुन:जीवित/पुनरूत्थान हुनुभयो | उहाँको क्रुसीकरणको बेला बहेको रगतले नै आज हाम्रो तथा मानव जातिको पाप को क्षमा भएको छ र परमेश्वरसित मिलाप हुन पुगेको छ | किनकि बाइबल अनुसार निष्कलंक थुमाको रगत न बहाई पाप क्षमा हुन सक्दैन | येशूमा गरेको विश्वास द्वारा मोक्ष पाइन्छ र उहाँको असल शिक्षा अनि आज्ञाहरु अनुसार जिएर जीवनका बाधापन र समस्याहरुलाई पार गरेर हामी एक असल तथा आदर्श जीवन जिउन सक्छौं, असल कर्म हामी गर्न सक्छौं जसका लागि उहाँले नै शक्ति प्रदान गर्नुहुन्छ भनेर बाइबलले बताउँछ | आज उही येशु नै मुक्तिदाता हुनुभएको छ जो स्वयम् परमेश्वर हुनहुन्छ र जसले एक निष्कलंक मानव जीवन जिएर आफ्नो बलिदान दिए | उनले पाप, दुष्ट र मृत्यु माथि विजय प्राप्त गर्नु भयो |

यसरी येशू ख्रीष्टको आगमन नै वास्तवमा आफ्नो बलिदान दिनका लागि थियो, र बलिदानद्वारा हामीलाई क्षमा दिन थियो | मानवको कयौं प्रयासद्वारा पनि परमेश्वर कहाँ पुग्न सकेका थिएनन् तर उहाँ आफै नै उद्धारक बनि आउनुभयो र आफै मार्ग हुनुभयो | परमेश्वर र मानव बीचको टुक्रिएको सम्वन्धलाई उहाँले पुन: मिलाप गराउनुभयो | येशू आफै पनि मानव जातिले भोग्ने सबै समस्याहरुबाट भएर जानु भयो तर कहिल्यै डग्नुभएन र आज उहाँले हामीलाई सहायता गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ | एक मानवको रुपमा उनको आफ्नै जीवन पनि एउटा ठुलो परीक्षा जत्तिकै थियो जसमा उनले पूर्ण रुपमा विजय हासिल गरे | जब आज हामी जीवनका सङ्घर्षहरुमा एक्लै छोडिन्छौं तब उहाँले हाम्रो पीडा, दुख, मर्म र वेचैनी जान्न सक्नुहुन्छ र हामीलाई सोहि अनुसार सहायता गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ | उहाँले व्यवहारिक रुपमा नै मानव जीवनलाई जिउनुभयो र सङ्घर्ष गर्नुभयो र सबै परिस्थितिबाट भएर जानु भयो ताकि हाम्रो जीवनका परिस्थितिहरुमा उनले सहायता गर्न सकून | हामीलाई कुन परिस्थितिमा कसरी सहायता गर्ने भनि उनले पूर्ण रुपले जान्नुहुन्छ |

यसका साथै मानव जातिको अर्को समस्या मृत्युलाई उहाँले आफ्नो पुनरूत्थानद्वारा खारेज गरिदिनुभयो | उहाँ आउनुको अर्को कारण मानव जातिहरुलाई मृत्युबाट पार गराएर अनन्ततामा लैजानु हो | मानव जाति परमेश्वरबाट वियोग हुन पुगेका कारण उहाँको महानता, उहाँको चरित्र, उहाँको स्वभाव र उहाँको महिमालाई बुझ्न सकेनन् | त्यसैले येशूमा नै उहाँले आफैलाई एक मानव रुपमा प्रकट गराउनुभयो र एक ईश्वरीय निष्कलंक जीवन जिएर आफ्नो चरित्र, स्वभाव, महिमा, महानता , प्रेम देखाउनुभयो | विशेषगरी उहाँले यो कुरा व्यवाहारिक रुपले नै देखाउनुभयो कि परमेश्वरले मानव जाति लाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ र उहाँले अनुग्रह राख्नुहुन्छ | यसरी मानव जातिलाई परमेश्वर कहाँ फर्काउन स्वयम् उहाँ नै मानव बनेर आउनुभयो र मानव जातिहरु माझ घुलमिल हुनुभई शुभ संदेश दिनुभयो | यहि शुभ संदेश हो पाप क्षमाको, पुनार्मिलापको, जीवन परिवर्तनको जुन येशूमा प्रकट गरियो |

यहि नै हो ख्रीष्टमस को वास्तविक संदेश जसले मानव जीवनका गम्भीर सङ्घर्षलाई सम्बोधन गर्छ र येशूलाई एक समाधानको रुपमा, एक उदाहरणको रुपमा, मुक्तिदाताको रुपमा सबै मानव जाति माझ पुर्याउदछ |  उहाँ सबैको लागि बाटो, सत्य र जीवन हुनुहुन्छ जसद्वारा बाहेक परमेश्वर कहाँ पुग्न सकिदैन |                

यहाँहरु सबैलाई ख्रीष्टमस र नव वर्ष २०२० को हार्दिक शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दछु ||

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jesus in Sama Veda? A Story of Lies and White Lies!

Written by Dr. Johnson C. Philip and Dr. Saneesh Cherian to expose the lies of allusion of Jesus made in Sama Veda, one of the Hindu Scriptures. Christians should not be excited and deceived when such misguided souls rise up and claims that they had discovered something new in other scripture about Christ. Be aware and alert!

Get the book here.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essence of making a Defense of our Faith

Why you should know what you believe?

Importance of defense of faith with my life experience.

Every Christians as Christ had commanded ought to preach the gospel and fulfill the great commissions. Well, it was the final word of Jesus in the text of Matthew [28:18-20]. All those who were before us carried the gospel with the life and preached them to us. Here we are standing upon the tears of the leaders who risked their life for the sake of preaching gospel. Now, we live in modern society. The flow of knowledge has never been so strong in the entire history. Information is within the reach while wisdom has locked itself in the dark. So, how are we to preach the gospel of our Lord to these young generations who’s living in this modern era where the belief in God is considered as a delusion of the mind? That’s where Apologetics comes into play! In a word, it simply means “defense of faith.

Okay, but isn’t depending on the spirit of God enough for us to preach? Clearly, reasoning rarely converted the people.  I completely agree to this, what apologetics does is not to “convert people” rather it plays the role in clearing the false assumption regarding the Christianity so that gospel can easily flow without any mental resistance. Stephen on his longest discourse accused the leader of “resisting Holy Spirit.” (Acts 7:51). Luke, who was indeed a medical doctor, he did not write gospel of Luke without doing any investigation [emphasize 1:1-4]. He did investigate and collect evidence of what had really happened before recording down. We have evidences of Paul reasoning with the Jews from the Jewish writing about the glorified Christ in the book of Acts. After resurrection, when Jesus came to visit his disciples, Thomas did not even believe unless he touched Jesus and verified himself. Jesus did not rebuke him for his doubt but allowed him for verification of his bodily resurrection. You see, if God want us to believe in him blindly, he’d not have given us the entire Bible. We are not just called to worship God but to become always ready to give answer to those who asks questions about our faith 1 Peter 3:15. We should know what we believe and why and do our best to give answer to the critics of our faith. Remember! Jesus never feared when his opponent fired the question at him.

Often time in our discussion with a Hindu or Muslim friend, we often say that we believe in the Bible and it is inspired "Word of God" and is true. We will believe it even if the evidence goes against it. But now when our Hindu and Muslim friend also says the same about their scripture then we may reject it. Here is a problem! If my friend says that Bhagavad Gita is most influencing spiritual book and is true, when I reject this notion then what basis do I have? Why am I saying that Bible is true but not the Gita? Doesn’t my friend also have right to believe in the Gita or the Quran as we do in the Bible? Think awhile! We then say, we are believer right but you are still in darkness. What logic do we have on this notion? If someone gives me response that even scientific investigations have proven the Biblical account and discredited claims of rest scripture, so we do believe the Bible! Now, that’s exactly what I am talking here! Defense of faith my friends. But another problem, when someone says that the Bible has been proven then he/she should also provide credible evidences of it. Please, don’t try building your castle on the air! Even a Hindu Brahmin says that modern science is influenced by their ancient scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, et al. We cannot refute them unless the evidence is being provided. The same formula goes to the Bible.  

During my high school days, some of my friends often used to claim that the Bhagavad Gita is very scientific and they had not found the Bible of such nature. I was puzzled with the issue of creation vs evolution, trinity, etc. I was almost in a situation of backsliding but what I did is not giving up. I involved in studies to know how far the Bible is credible to believe. I began my studies on comparative religions. I was a science student and it was even challenging to believe so many supernatural things of the Bible. The more I studied, the more I found reasons to say that Christianity is evidence based faith. Since then, I determined to give my life to gospel sharing and defending my faith. I found charity and happiness in sharing good news and defending the faith.

When I was converted to Christianity from Hinduism, I often had queries that how Jesus is different from other gods. I used to ask queries to church leaders and analyze myself too. There was a time, I was also a pantheist i.e. God is all, All is God. I had respect for pictures of gods and I used to depict animals as gods. Even when I used to go to church first time in my childhood age, I used to argue that animals are gods and church members used to laugh at me but with great politeness they used to say me that these animals are just animals for us brother. Their answer used to influence me a lot. I was a type of Vaishnava i.e. the tradition in Hinduism in which Vishnu is worshipped as Major God/Para Brahman. The Ramayana was my favorite movie. The most stunning fact is that I came to develop my interest in knowing Jesus not by reading tracts but from a man-made picture of Vishworoop of Krishna in which I saw head of Christ as well. The devotees of Sai Baba was praising Jesus as well! I had gone to Bhagavad Gita since that time, but the picture made me to meditate on Jesus. That was my journey to knowing who he was...   

Since my conversion to Christ, I used to preach gospel wherever I used to go to my non-Christian relatives. I used to start by asking them a question: which god the one you worship had laid his life for your sins? Then I used to share gospel. Of course! The one who is strong in Hindu or Islam theology can object my question as I was a child that time with no studies at all. But today, as my study got increasing, my approach is also developing. First I study the worldview and then ask questions so that people can reflect on their faith. I then fill up the weakness in their faith by the completeness of gospel using different approaches. I first make a good platform and then I begin with comprehensible stories so that the people to whom we are sharing can easily grab the core idea of gospel. During my plus two level, I often used stories such as ‘The Gardener’, ‘The Selfish Giant’, superhero movie scenes, etc. to make an easy platform to understand gospel.

When a lion in a zoo has been tied, anyone can mock him and show his superiority to him but now when he is set free, his roaring is enough for the people to run away. Today Christian faith is under attack and mockery but when it is set free then its roaring is enough to sweep away its mockers and critiques. That’s apologetics. This field of defense is vast like ocean which touches different areas such as science, history, archaeology, psychology, philosophy, etc. When we know confidently that our faith is evidence based faith then who can dare to stand against us? This we should keep in our mind. Sharing gospel is not easy my friends, not easy. See how the Disciples of Christ laid their life for his sake and how Paul gave his life in defense of gospel.

Living a Christian life is not easy. We have to face challenges at every steps of our life. The road we are walking to get to our destination is not wider and pitched road rather narrow and filled up with hurdles where a single slip can ruin us, destroy us and snatch us away from God. We all face different life challenges, we all have times in our life when we lose hope, fall down in our knees, get backslide after having our faith attacked by our adversaries. Despite of all situation, we need to be strong, awake, alert, prayerful, holding to Jesus, always prepared to give defense of our faith and share gospel regardless of any persecution, uplifting one another, studying the Bible and having interaction, unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials but charity in all, motivating one another and finally stabilizing faith until our last breathe. Give some time for study and get to know what you believe and why. Explore why Christianity is evidence based faith and always prepare to defend your faith and hope you have in Jesus. Pray and encourage those who are enrolling in this ministry. We are called for different ministries by God to work together hand in hand.   

Note: In co-operation with brother Sabin Panta, BCE Pulchowk

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Josh McDowell Answers Five Tough Questions

Image result for josh mcdowell answers five tough questionsWho am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Who or What can I trust to answer these questions?
This book provides some answers. They are what I believe to be the right answers to those crucial questions.
Download here to get the book

Evidence for the resurrection

Image result for evidence for the resurrection book
In the defense of the essence of the resurrection.
Imagine that an intelligent alien comes from somewhere in space to visit our planet and spend a few years touring the globe. The purpose of his visit is to learn about us, to research our history and to make observations about the state of life on the earth. But also imagine that the alien’s human guides deliberately withhold from him all contact with Christians, all information about Christianity and all data on Christian history. What would this alien observe, and what would he conclude from his observations?

Download here to get the book

The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict

Image result for evidence that demands a verdict
To answer questions challenging the Christians of 21st century.
Is Christianity credible? Is there an intellectual basis for faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God? Scholars throughout the centuries, as well as millions of students and older adults, will answer such questions with a resounding, “Yes!” This is what The NEW Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, is all about.

Download here to get the book.

Evidence that Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World

Image result for evidence that demands a verdict
An excellent book for apologetics studies by Josh and Sean McDowell, PhD.
Why a Massive Book about Evidence? The story begins about forty-five years ago. After I (Josh) became a Christian, I began to speak in public forums about my spiritual journey and my extensive research into the reliability of the biblical text, as well as the evidences for the deity of Christ and his resurrection. One of my lecture series was “Christianity: Hoax or History?” People of all walks of life would come up to me and ask if they could get my research and speaking notes. You see, at that time it was very hard to find documentation of the historical evidences for the Christian faith. Students, professors, and laypeople in the church would ask, “How can we get access to what you and others are teaching on these subjects?” So it was that I began to compile my research and speaking notes to create the first edition of Evidence That Demands a Verdict.

Download here to get the book.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Prayer and Its Three Dimensions


Every believer in Christ in one way or another has heard of something called ‘The Lord’s Prayer'. Many of us know that prayer by heart and even pray with the same pattern. The one thing that Christ himself being the very Son of God practiced prayer on his daily basis. Even knowing these, we’ve wrestled many times in this issue. Tons of time, even I had prayed like the 'Pharisee and Sadducee' repeating the same word and never realizing that I’m having conversation with the Creator and not with some mere human.

But why is it the case that we have failed to spend our time with the Lord? Isn’t that more important than anything? We are so busy with this world that we’ve kicked Him out of our daily routine. But, have we ever been busy such that we forgot even to breathe? Isn’t the relationship with God supposed to be like that? Oughtn’t we, the filthy creatures, need to give the time as a living sacrifice which He gave us? Won’t our life be victorious if only we sync our mind with the heavenly content rather than focusing on the Earthly thing? [Colossians 3:2]

The Three Dimension of Prayer

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. [Matthew 7:7, 8]

Prayer is a conversation with God. But before praying, let’s remind ourselves that there’s a caring heart, a hearing heart and a healing heart in the heaven. He knows what we want in our life. [Matthew 6:8] Even before our puny mouth shouts about problems, He knows our scarcity. Doesn’t this give us a good assurance in our heart? The Lord promised us that whatever we ask, it will be given to us. Regarding the same verse, I’ve seen how prosperity preachers bend it by claiming that He will give everything. To be honest, I am not against them. I believe if He wills, He can make me rich not for my glory but for His glory. The later verses after 8 even assure us that He will answer when we call on Him. The illustration of Father giving good gift is a perfect one. Christ compared the answer of the prayer to be 'not negative'. The answer to the prayer of hunger is not the snake when one asks for the fish, not the stone for bread. I’ve read the example of people turning themselves into an atheist because God didn’t give the thing they’ve wished for. Let’s not be mistaken. He’s not our genie to grant the same request but Our Father who knows us more than we know ourselves.

He will answer even though it may not be the same answer that I’ve asked for. It can be far better since our petition is answered by the Omniscience being who knows my past, present and future, the being is our Father.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:6,7]

The word 'anxious' can be referred to the anxiety, a state of disturbance of the mind in response to the external pressure onto us.

In contrast, Paul suggested us to make our request known to God in a sense the peace of God will act as a barrier to our mind.

The word 'guard' in Greek has the general idea of Roman soldier guarding the city gate to prevent the enemy to peak in and to protect the citizen. The peace of God is the response to making our request known to God. The peace is the state of mind without anxiety and worry. This is the promise.

Let us pray without ceasing. Let us make our request known to Him rather than trying to solve our issue for He has promised to never leave nor to forsake us to the end of the ages. [Matthew 28:20b]


By Sabin Panta, BE Civil
Patan Koinonia Church 

The Word: Jesus Christ

The Word: Jesus Christ
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome.
Beginning —Word —God—- Life—- Light—Darkness 
The gospel of John unique in nature than the three synoptic Gospels of the New Testament. The other Gospels begin with Bethlehem; John begins with ‘the bosom of the Father.’ Luke dates his narrative by Roman emperors and Jewish high-priests; John dates his ‘in the beginning. The gospel begins with the hymn of incarnation rather than the genealogy contrast to the Gospel of Matthew and Luke. Only 7 miracles were mentioned in this gospel but this doesn’t mean Jesus did only 7 miracles in his life for John said in 20:30
Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Now let us read the verse. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and word was God.” When I first saw this verse and I was like what? who was with who?  In my viewpoint word is something we speak. The third part of the verse caught my eye and I thought “whoa this is new. Never heard about that. I know Jesus Father and Holy Spirit but who is word?”
But see that John is the only Gospel to speak of Jesus’ pre-existence as the Logos and the only Gospel to include a poetic prologue. The entire prologue resonates with the terms which have deep philosophical roots like
Logos–Word or idea                                               Zoe– Life
Phos- Light                                                                Alethia–Truth
The Prologue begins with the phrase in the beginning repeating the opening words of the Book of Genesis. It points the beginning of everything all the created thing. Now the word “Logos” used have some interesting background behind it. Let’s see the historical background of the Word in both Jewish literature and Greek.
Jewish Concepts
“The word of God” was a familiar and current theological term when John wrote, and therefore he uses it without explanation. In the creation act Bible declares
By the word of the Lord were the heavens made. [Psalm 33:6].
Old Testament text personify the word of God (dabar Yahweh) in various context. For the Jews dabar Yahweh was the one who brought into existence everything. It denotes God in action esp. in revelation and deliverance. The word of God is also the personified Wisdom who was with God when he created the world. [Proverbs 8].
Greek Concepts
Logos signifies in classical Greek both “reason” and “word.” The Stoics spoke of The Logos as the Seminal Reason, through which all things came to be, by which all things were ordered, and to which all things returned.
In short to the Hebrew the term was the self-assertion of divine personality and to the Greek it denotes the rational mind that rules everything.
But the “logos” used here doesn’t refer to some idea but a divine entity. Did anyone notice the word “was” in the text? Sherlock Holmes said “You see but you do not observe” Observing is the key principle for bible interpretation. In the beginning before anything was, the Word was there. It has always been there since eternity. Before the beginning of time the word was. We know from Quantum Mechanics that time itself is the dimension of reality including space which was created. Someone would say what was logos doing before the creation? There was no “time” before creation.
The Word was with God. The original text reads as Word was “pros con theon” The word pros means in relation with something. The fellowship of the Son with the Father is portrait in many verses of the text.
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.[John 17:24] 
And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. [John 17:5]
No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. [John 1:14 NIV]
The three portion of the verse reads as “And the Word was God.” How can Word be with God and God at the same time? The text has simple language but paradoxical ideas. When I first read Genesis 1:26 which reads as “Let us make man in our image” If God is speaking then who is he speaking with? See the word and God in the second part are made distinct to each other but the third part says word is God. The divinity of Christ can be clearly seen throughout the scripture. We do know that God is one but three in nature. Some say well how can there be three God and one God? Do you not know the Maths? Even the Muslim Apologist made fun of Christian in his debate.
Christians says The Father is God the son is god and Holy Spirit is God. But there is only one God. I ask the Christian what language you are speaking.
C.S. Lewis explained the Trinity by referring to different dimensions. He noted that in one dimension, a person can only create lines. In two, they can create squares. In three, they can create cubes. For a two-dimensional being, it’s hard to see how six squares can be “one” of anything, but in three dimensions, a cube is a unification of six squares. This is analogous to the human level vs. the divine level, where three persons are one being, without contradiction. Geometry isn’t the same as theology, of course, but the analogy is helpful.
The Trinity does not imply that 1+1+1=1, but that 1x1x1=1. Thus the key to understanding the Trinity is to recognize that it is not just a math problem (how can three be one?), the Trinity is a relationship.
God bless us all in Christ.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

By Sabin Panta, Civil Engineering student, Patan Koinonia church. 

Has God Lost in the Midst of Science?

With the advancement in the Science and rationality, there’s been an avalanche of people converting themselves into an atheist these days. The God hypothesis got substituted as the science successfully answered the “why” question we’ve seeking throughout the century. It’s the human who projected God in his image and not the other way around. Even lead atheist Dawkins supporting this idea once said,” Darwin kicked God out of biology, Hawking is doing great in kicking him out of physics.”  God is considered to be the “primitive explanation” to which Sean Carroll a theoretical physics debunked with the boast of “us knowing better now.” The central idea is that the “God” has been imputed in the vast expanse of the reason in the past. It’s true there’re countless example of such. Some of the agnostic atheist deny the preposition of God since they assert the presence of evil in the world that there could be no room for the God to be in it.

So has Science kicked out the God? It is quite evident to us of the fact that there has been the breathtaking and accelerating expansion of human knowledge in the recent history. In the seventeenth century, the main source of debate and conflict was astronomical; since the middle of the nineteenth it has been biological, centering on the theory of evolution. But, there was never the conflict between God and science as many claim it to be. The main conflict has always been between theism and naturalism.  Either the driving force is the nature or God. Atheism being weak in itself having no foundation on its own has taken the side of naturalism proudly asserting that science is in their side. I believe that science does, for the most part, provide us with knowledge of the real world. However, this knowledge is attained, as is all other knowledge, through the normal exercise of our natural faculties of observation and reason. Whether it be the Big Bang or the progressive evolution, it does show how the Universe and life came to be.
All science, even the divine science, is a sublime detective story. Only it is not set to detect why a man is dead; but the darker secret of why he is alive. G.K Chesterton
The space, matter and energy is all there is and all there will be till the end. Thus the life itself is the accidental product thereby having no meaning to it. The question Why am I here? Is that an utter meaningless question to us? To whom should I ask? Let’s ignore the whom. Why am I even asking this? If the life is meaningless, we would have never known it to be meaningless in the same way that we would have no idea of darkness if there has been no light to shade its light upon the matter. How can physical atoms and molecules, for example, create something that exists in a separate domain that has no physical existence: human consciousness? Of course you’d accuse me with the Freud’s idea of wanting this life to have a meaning thereby creating an illusion of meaning with the idea of God. The argument seems sweet and well-presented but it can be pointed the other way around. One mightn’t want the meaning in this life thus they deny the God. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. The belief in owns mind has no relation with the presence or absence of any mere object in the reality.
Of course the claim is that there isn’t enough evidence for the theism. Is it? Are we really searching the evidences? Are we looking at the “right place” for the answer?  But the definition of evidences seems to have varied from person to person. Each individual has got own idea which seems contrary to the next person standing beside him. The ultimate proof to see the existence of God is to see within yourself. Since we are the “Imago Dei” [the image of deity], we can look into the truth and when we see it, the truth will set us free from this confusion. For a teacher once said, “God has planted eternity to our heart.” And Again “Our heart won’t rest until it finds its peace in thee.” So then has Science denied the creator? No. Rest assured. It has nothing to do with the creator. Will theism and naturalism be in clash with each other? Yes, always till the end. The blind force of nature and mere law of gravity as Hawkins claimed isn’t the solemn force behind all this. There’s a mind, intelligent, designer behind all these reality that we live on.
God bless you all.

Sabin Panta, BE Civil Student

How God welcomed me in his kingdom.

It pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace. [Galatians 1:15a paraphrase]

I was a Hindu by birth, belonging to a Brahmin family. My family belonged to the religious family. Since my childhood I was interested in Hinduism and used to watch many of the Hindu movies and dramas. My mother used to tell many story. Thus, I grew up a devoted believer and a hater of Christianity. I still remember one neighbor auntie who became a Christian. I argued against her and made her speechless. She said that she went to church because she found out Jesus is a healer. I argued against her for I knew that believing God is an ignorant when we have doctors and hospitals.

After some years, my maternal uncle and aunt became Christians. Of course, they never argued with me because they knew I would destroy them in an instant. But my maternal auntie would always say like this, “Nephew, whatever happens in your life, if you turn to God he will help you.” These words however gave me no meaning at that time. I would laugh at her ignorance for I knew that there is no creator in the world-no purpose-no meaning. Yet, I had the burden of existential questions within me
that I never found answer to. Every time I went to maternal uncle house, there’d be lot of Christian story books and other books. I read them all before I was even a Christian! That mean, I knew about the Bible before I know Lord. I still remember going to church (because my maternal uncle said it would be fun) and I sat in Sunday school class/children fellowship classes. One sister gave us few verses to memorize. It was about love in 1st Corinthians 13 and I was first one to memorize. I used to go to different house fellowships, church programme and yet never cared about the Lord.  I knew many details about both Hinduism and Christianity and I concluded that these two stories are somehow similar and maybe one authors must have copied from another.

As usual, I’d go to maternal uncle’s house during the time of Dashain. The days were normal. My maternal uncle and other Christian uncles were praying outside the room which I found to be boring and I chose to stay with my cousin in the next room and taught them mathematics. All of sudden, one uncle stood from prayer and entered our room. I could remember every detail incident at that instance. He shook his hand with my cousin sister and brother and then shook with me. As my hand came in contact with his hand, I felt something. Now I literally have no word to describe what that was. But I heard a voice saying,”What are you doing in this body?” But it was neither the voice of uncle nor the voice spoke to me. I felt as if it was warning something within me. I felt uneasy and removed my hand, opened the door and ran out of my room. It was raining outside and I wanted to run knowing not where I should go. I was afraid and yet it’s not I who was afraid. Maternal uncle saw me and caught me with the hand. Uncle came outside and took me into the groups where every Christians were praying. He hold me, touched my head and prayed for me. That was it! I felt Holy Spirit for the first time! When they prayed, I felt so peaceful. It’s like I felt God. My life changed from that very instances. I knew God exists because he exists.

But I wasn’t however totally converted to Christianity. I avoided going to the church. Let’s say, I was in a middle ground. In the month of Chaitra, all Christians of Kathmandu valley planned to organize a walking event throughout Ring Road (Every Christian knows this). I also participated because I was on Holiday. I don’t know how it all happened but after participating in this rally, my heart changed completely. I came to my home with a Bible and started reading New Testament. I prayed to God and studied Christianity a lot. My parents, realizing that I was converting into Christianity, threw my bible away. Then I started using my mobile to read bible online. I grew up in the knowledge of Christ and then accepted Christ as my personal Lord and my Savior after watching a programme in GODTV where the pastor asked us to pray for accepting Christ as the Lord. This is how it all began.

I didn’t go to church because I wasn’t allowed. The more persecution began, the more I started growing in Lord. I finished my New Testament, read many books just to make sure that what I’m believing and following is the right path. My questions were difficult even to my maternal aunt and uncle. That’s why I started studying the Bible because I wanted to learn more and there were no one to help me. Books were my teacher, God was my guidance. Later when I came into my Bachelor I met a Christian friend and then I started going to church and have been going even to this day.

Sabin Panta
Shankhamul, New Baneshwar
Patan Koinonia Church
Pulchowk Engineering College, Bachelor in Civil Engineering.