Saturday, June 3, 2017

“Life without Light” by Rajeev Shrestha

What is light? Which colour light? Simply light is something which helps or guide to see. According to science, when the light reflected from any object and pass to eye, it gets visible. Day time, we see and understand the world cause there is a light and we need other artificial lights at night to view an object because there is no light. We everyone need light to survive in this world. Without lights, it’s getting difficult to live physically.

What about our spiritual life? What about the life without a light of future? It’s really too hard to live a life. The each day surviving becoming a year without insight. Where should I get a light or a way to live each day? Where is a hope to live? We are lost in this
world and walking a path where the destination is not known. I am not getting a right path a light to lead me to my destination. I need a knowledge, I need a light so I could understand and know the way to reach destiny my home.

Finally, I got a light. The light of this world. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12, Bible. It reveals a true light which can guide to reach my home. The Bible says “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.” John 14:6, Bible. The only way to complete the journey of earth and get back home is the Jesus. Life is exhausting, fatigue without hope without direction. The life gets happier and healthier through Christ because he had promised to give rest in Mathew 11:28, Bible. Come Check and Continue with Christ. #C4

Written by
Rajeev Shrestha, Kathmandu Valley CBS
Bachelor of Pharmacy, Tribhuwan University
Hospital Pharmacist in Bharatpur Hospital, Chitwan

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