Friday, May 5, 2017

Uncountable Blessings by Vijay Rai, Former President of Chitwan CBS

Vijay Rai
Hello, everyone, my name is Vijay Rai. I am now doing my Bachelor study in Dentistry (BDS) in Kathmandu Medical College.

Today I am going to share about some of the blessings I experienced in my life. I was born on 1992 Dec 3 in Jhapa. Since childhood, I was brought up in a Christian family, but never felt his love for me. Sunday school was held at our own house and I'd skip it in every chance I got. I have my education there until class 7 and everything was going smooth.

Then, we move to CHITWAN and it's the turning point of my life. We move there to do some business and making easy for follow up for my grandmother (she has got cancer and was under medication). But, she
passed away and our business plan was also doomed. I and my sister were admitted to the school nearby so we couldn't move from that place. We hire a room and were staying there then from there I started noticing so much of blessing from GOD. After few months we move to a nearby church to take care of it. We got to stay there without paying. Parents were happy and I and my sister got chances to learn so many things from the church. I got to learn many things about music in the church. Got good friends and got many blessings in my studies too.

After SLC GOD provide me with a chance to serve him as being a part of Bharatpur CBS as President for some years. Later I had to move to Kathmandu for further studies. I gave entrance for medical studies and finally got a seat for me in KMC in BDS faculty under KU. As I think of my past now, I can clearly notice how GOD can change every single sadness into happiness and curses into uncountable blessings.

Being a CBS president it gave me a lot of experience, in conducting suitable program for a specific age group by working as a team, the importance of teamwork, the way to live my life as an example for others, to deal with other people, to know the meaning of 'LOVE' in different way and in more deeper ways. Not this much it gave me a good friend circle in Christ, to take part in many self-building training and program held by NBCBS.

Vijay Rai, Kathmandu Valley CBS and Former Chitwan CBS President
Bachelor in Dental Science, Kathmandu Medical College, Kathmandu University

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