Monday, May 8, 2017

"Testing of your spiritual life" by Jagdish Adhikari, CGF

If you want me to have an idea of spiritual life, I have only one question for you. Tell me about your prayer life and I will tell you where your spiritual life is.

Prayer does three things in your life minimally. First when you pray and begin your prayer with your Heavenly Father or however you do it, the open phrase recognise of the sovereignty of God. You know immediately as soon as a beginning that you can't ultimately depend upon yours strength. The reason you are bowed before Him is because He has Sovereign over the Universe.

The second thing is it enables you to see your heart really is. Third thing God weaves the grand design in your life because in prayer it's not so much what you ask of Him but what he does in you. 

The war between the carnal mind and spirit during prayer is intense. But we must we lay before Him what is in us not what we ought to be in us. CS Lewis in his little statement said: "Prayer is the place where our minds are changed from being carnally bent to being permeated with holiness." Hence prayer is about mind change.  It is meant to change our philosophy, our way of thinking about God way. Therefore Your will be done. Michel Ramsdan once said Adam in his garden said, not your will but mine and brought death. Jesus in His Garden of Gethsemane said, not my will but yours and brought life.

Jagdish Adhikari, Currently in Christian Graduate fellowship
Former Secretary of Kathmandu Valley CBS
Master in Environmental Science, Tribhuwan University

Working in EFLG-Program (MoFALD) GON, M and E Officer.

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