Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Christian Physicist Examines the Age of the Earth

Since you’ve picked up this booklet to at least skim it, obviously this subject is one of interest to you. I hope this is an issue you are willing to reason together with me, rather than simply checking to see if it agrees with your present view. If the former is true, then read on and I believe you’ll find it interesting and worthwhile. I’m trusting that no one will put confidence in my conclusions concerning the age of the Earth simply because I claim to be a committed Christian or because of the Ph.D. in physics. Neither of these titles gives me enough authority to tell people what to believe. Rather I’m trusting that you are ready to reason with me, exercising as much skepticism as you like, but with just enough willingness to let the evidence persuade you of the truth. If not, I hope you’ll at least read the first chapter. That doesn’t address the age of the Earth, but rather why there is such a controversy over it among Christians.
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