Saturday, February 18, 2017

Continuously working for the glory of His name by Sagar Basnet

Sagar Basnet
At first, I want to give thanks to God for working in my life and Mr Rajeev & KTM CBS for giving me this opportunity to share my testimony to everyone.

First I want to share few things about my background which can make easy to everyone to know me well. I am Sagar Basnet the eldest son in my family. There were 5 members in my family i.e. my father & mother, my brother n my grandma who passed later on. My grandma used to worship the snake near & 33 crore gods & goddesses, my father used to worship Shiva & the follower of him i.e. in the sense of his behaviour, my mother use to worship many gods & idols and used to do various fasting n do many pujas. My brother used to be a low graded student & finally I a medium graded student.
Let me introduce the real Hero and his amazing work in my family. I still remember the day when I was reading a piece of the gospel and my father snatched it n tore it & scold me that “are u, want to be mad, don’t u see your neighbour what they have become by reading such bibles”. I know at that time my dad was right because our Christian neighbour has not lived their life as a true Christians that’s why whenever anyone saw their life nobody wanted to be a Christian. In my family, we two children (hey don’t forget my younger brother) not feeling comfortable because as I previously introduced my dad as a Shiva’s follower he used to drink alcohols, take bad things such as tobacco, ganja, hashish… and there almost always used to be quarrel & violence in my family. I still remember the day when becoming tired of all this, my mother tried to quit her life and by breaking the door my dad saved her. When I was in class I think six/seven me and my brother too tried to finish all this by finishing own shelves and we took poison. I know we have done a great mistake at that time but now I understood that it was one of His great plans, so that we may know that only He has the power for the death and the life. After being from Korea my dad has brought a cassette player and during his tourist guiding, he has brought a cassette. The cassette contained some songs but one an amazing song (Hymn 502) which I used to listen daily. I thought of such world where no any human is discriminated, no cases, no violence and everybody is united with a single love of the true God. Many days passed, months passed & years were gone and finally something great we received in our family i.e. Jesus. Jesus, the main Hero of my family. By my maternal grandma & pa (because of the amazing healing of Him in my maternal grand ma’s life) and by some Gods workers my family got the chance to receive Him. I think this is not only a chance but His great plan to show His love and the power through my family. He changed everything in my family. My dad quitted his every bad thing & habits and became Jesus follower, my mum and we too. We kept praying for our grandma for a year and finally, she has also accepted Jesus as her saviour ( because her every trouble by the evil things had gone away by the prayer). And we whole family baptised in The Trinity Names. After this acceptance, even though the peace and the joy of Jesus came in our family, the wind of evil tried to shake us. We faced a great examined from evil and by our relatives. Our money which we have to receive were blocked by our relatives and more when our grandma has slept in Christ our home and farms were tried to be overtaken by our relatives. This does not make us weak in spite we as well as the whole church kept on praying and praying for us. We got patient in Jesus and waited for His works till some years passed. And finally, when He worked we saw the miracles. The problems solved so easily that nobody understood how, but we know that the God of possible is working in our life for impossible. Not only had this He uses us to serve our neighbours and show the love of Jesus to them. I have been blessed in my study and He stands me as a topper in almost every curriculum activities & exams and makes me one of the best students in my college. One of our neighbours says that if my brother cleared SLC then he will leave the village. Now he is not in the village but God used my brother and by successfully clearing all his study he is now running his final year of BSW. God uses my father and he successfully completed his BTH and is continuously working in God’s kingdom as a full-time staff of the church.
Today six years has passed that I am in choir and handle sound system of my church and continuously working for the glory of His name. I love to worship my Lord Jesus by singing new songs for Him and want to be like as The Bible David “the man nearer to the heart of The God”. My family members too involved in different services of our church. Many blessings we have been receiving 
from Him and He is continuously working in our lives. God is making us His witness in our village and is using our lives to bless others. Since years passed away but He never had forgotten us and always uses us in every circumstance. As in the Bible Isaiah 40:29-3I “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”. I think if I would have written each and every of His works in a paper, I think this will become a huge book with bundles of pages. This is all possible because He heard our prayers and always wants to help us. So I request to everyone to keep praying for me and my family in your prayer. And Thank You A lot.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Praise the Lord. God has amazing worked in your family Sagar. May God bless abundantly in yours life.
