Monday, December 17, 2018

Christmas: Born to live in us

I came to faith and took baptism nearly ten years back. The baptism is taken with the belief and commitment that Christ has died for man’s sin and man has to live by faith in him by surrendering oneself to him. However, as per my memory, I was not fully understood the value of baptism at that time and new life through the living of Christ in me. Now as I ponder on the birth of Christ, I am thinking on the life, which Christ started through our commitment in baptism; where is it, Is Christ living in us or we are living in our own way?, and What is Christmas for us? I believe Christmas is the day when Christ comes to earth to start a new life in you and me through cleansing us from sin; the graceful day to
humankind. The day of birth of a savior who comes to die for humankind, so that man can live a life, the life of eternity? the life in communion with Christ. What is Christmas for us? Which life are we living? What is the happiness of Christmas to us? Why are we rejoicing at Christmas? Whom are we praising at Christmas? I assume the Christmas is the day to remember the things Christ started in us, the day to remember the time moment of Christ birth in our heart, the day to encourage oneself to show non-believers the things Christ started for humankind and did in own life, the day to think on the life living with God. This is the time to analyze the life we had with god from the day we born by faith in Christ. We have to think of life, which Christ started and how are we letting him live in our life and where we reached in fulfilling the mission he has set for us. If he is not born and he is not living in our heart and we are not living according to his will, then there is no meaning to be joyous at Christmas.
The Christmas is a joyful moment to recall the moments we had with god from the day of unification with him through his birth in our heart. He was born, lived and died to born and live in us. He born to rescue from sin and give a righteous life pleasing to father. Let us analyze and ponder on the life he started, the joyful moment spent with God, the joyful future he prepared for us.         


Rajeev Shrestha, Pharmacist, CGF 

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