Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Prayer and Its Three Dimensions


Every believer in Christ in one way or another has heard of something called ‘The Lord’s Prayer'. Many of us know that prayer by heart and even pray with the same pattern. The one thing that Christ himself being the very Son of God practiced prayer on his daily basis. Even knowing these, we’ve wrestled many times in this issue. Tons of time, even I had prayed like the 'Pharisee and Sadducee' repeating the same word and never realizing that I’m having conversation with the Creator and not with some mere human.

But why is it the case that we have failed to spend our time with the Lord? Isn’t that more important than anything? We are so busy with this world that we’ve kicked Him out of our daily routine. But, have we ever been busy such that we forgot even to breathe? Isn’t the relationship with God supposed to be like that? Oughtn’t we, the filthy creatures, need to give the time as a living sacrifice which He gave us? Won’t our life be victorious if only we sync our mind with the heavenly content rather than focusing on the Earthly thing? [Colossians 3:2]

The Three Dimension of Prayer

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. [Matthew 7:7, 8]

Prayer is a conversation with God. But before praying, let’s remind ourselves that there’s a caring heart, a hearing heart and a healing heart in the heaven. He knows what we want in our life. [Matthew 6:8] Even before our puny mouth shouts about problems, He knows our scarcity. Doesn’t this give us a good assurance in our heart? The Lord promised us that whatever we ask, it will be given to us. Regarding the same verse, I’ve seen how prosperity preachers bend it by claiming that He will give everything. To be honest, I am not against them. I believe if He wills, He can make me rich not for my glory but for His glory. The later verses after 8 even assure us that He will answer when we call on Him. The illustration of Father giving good gift is a perfect one. Christ compared the answer of the prayer to be 'not negative'. The answer to the prayer of hunger is not the snake when one asks for the fish, not the stone for bread. I’ve read the example of people turning themselves into an atheist because God didn’t give the thing they’ve wished for. Let’s not be mistaken. He’s not our genie to grant the same request but Our Father who knows us more than we know ourselves.

He will answer even though it may not be the same answer that I’ve asked for. It can be far better since our petition is answered by the Omniscience being who knows my past, present and future, the being is our Father.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:6,7]

The word 'anxious' can be referred to the anxiety, a state of disturbance of the mind in response to the external pressure onto us.

In contrast, Paul suggested us to make our request known to God in a sense the peace of God will act as a barrier to our mind.

The word 'guard' in Greek has the general idea of Roman soldier guarding the city gate to prevent the enemy to peak in and to protect the citizen. The peace of God is the response to making our request known to God. The peace is the state of mind without anxiety and worry. This is the promise.

Let us pray without ceasing. Let us make our request known to Him rather than trying to solve our issue for He has promised to never leave nor to forsake us to the end of the ages. [Matthew 28:20b]


By Sabin Panta, BE Civil
Patan Koinonia Church 

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