Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Has God Lost in the Midst of Science?

With the advancement in the Science and rationality, there’s been an avalanche of people converting themselves into an atheist these days. The God hypothesis got substituted as the science successfully answered the “why” question we’ve seeking throughout the century. It’s the human who projected God in his image and not the other way around. Even lead atheist Dawkins supporting this idea once said,” Darwin kicked God out of biology, Hawking is doing great in kicking him out of physics.”  God is considered to be the “primitive explanation” to which Sean Carroll a theoretical physics debunked with the boast of “us knowing better now.” The central idea is that the “God” has been imputed in the vast expanse of the reason in the past. It’s true there’re countless example of such. Some of the agnostic atheist deny the preposition of God since they assert the presence of evil in the world that there could be no room for the God to be in it.

So has Science kicked out the God? It is quite evident to us of the fact that there has been the breathtaking and accelerating expansion of human knowledge in the recent history. In the seventeenth century, the main source of debate and conflict was astronomical; since the middle of the nineteenth it has been biological, centering on the theory of evolution. But, there was never the conflict between God and science as many claim it to be. The main conflict has always been between theism and naturalism.  Either the driving force is the nature or God. Atheism being weak in itself having no foundation on its own has taken the side of naturalism proudly asserting that science is in their side. I believe that science does, for the most part, provide us with knowledge of the real world. However, this knowledge is attained, as is all other knowledge, through the normal exercise of our natural faculties of observation and reason. Whether it be the Big Bang or the progressive evolution, it does show how the Universe and life came to be.
All science, even the divine science, is a sublime detective story. Only it is not set to detect why a man is dead; but the darker secret of why he is alive. G.K Chesterton
The space, matter and energy is all there is and all there will be till the end. Thus the life itself is the accidental product thereby having no meaning to it. The question Why am I here? Is that an utter meaningless question to us? To whom should I ask? Let’s ignore the whom. Why am I even asking this? If the life is meaningless, we would have never known it to be meaningless in the same way that we would have no idea of darkness if there has been no light to shade its light upon the matter. How can physical atoms and molecules, for example, create something that exists in a separate domain that has no physical existence: human consciousness? Of course you’d accuse me with the Freud’s idea of wanting this life to have a meaning thereby creating an illusion of meaning with the idea of God. The argument seems sweet and well-presented but it can be pointed the other way around. One mightn’t want the meaning in this life thus they deny the God. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. The belief in owns mind has no relation with the presence or absence of any mere object in the reality.
Of course the claim is that there isn’t enough evidence for the theism. Is it? Are we really searching the evidences? Are we looking at the “right place” for the answer?  But the definition of evidences seems to have varied from person to person. Each individual has got own idea which seems contrary to the next person standing beside him. The ultimate proof to see the existence of God is to see within yourself. Since we are the “Imago Dei” [the image of deity], we can look into the truth and when we see it, the truth will set us free from this confusion. For a teacher once said, “God has planted eternity to our heart.” And Again “Our heart won’t rest until it finds its peace in thee.” So then has Science denied the creator? No. Rest assured. It has nothing to do with the creator. Will theism and naturalism be in clash with each other? Yes, always till the end. The blind force of nature and mere law of gravity as Hawkins claimed isn’t the solemn force behind all this. There’s a mind, intelligent, designer behind all these reality that we live on.
God bless you all.

Sabin Panta, BE Civil Student

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