Who is Jesus?
Christians seem to usually know and
acknowledge Jesus as savior and Lord. This is absolutely right but often this
limits our understanding of the eternal God the Son. This further limits our
relationship with Jesus and His ownership and authority over us and our lives
here and now. Many would enjoy using Him as a friend in need and someone there
to take care of us when we choose to ask for it in prayer. We present our needs
and aspirations earnestly to Jesus expecting Him to approve them and bless us
with His extra grace, provisions and power. Some even may press Him to do
things as they want, through ardent fasting and supplication. Many will use His
name to get things done and even cover up their weaknesses and failures. Some
may even tend to use it a magic word as if Jesus is bound to act on our orders
satisfying our whims and fantasies. It may sound weird to state all this but if
we think it over, we seem to do it as if that is the truth being a Christian.
We tend to use Jesus for benefits we aspire to have here and now like healing,
deliverance from bondages and difficulties, prosperity, honor and positions and
a way of escape from social and family responsibilities.
I recently met a Pastor whose wife has
decided to stay away from him and the family as she is being directed by the
Spirit of God to do only God’s holy work running around believer’s houses and
not taking responsibility of her husband and three young children. But he has
to provide for her travel and expenses as a minister of God! Enoch could walk
with God for 300 years and yet could have many children as stated in Genesis 5
while modern Christian ministers like her are too holy to take responsibility
for a family life. They ignore their marriage pledge to be together, caring for
each other until they part by death. They take God to be doing what they like
to do and acting on their orders!
This was the thought of the Israelites in
the Old Testament. Jehovah was their God and He was supposed to act on their
behalf and for them. They tried to make Jehovah as the God of Israelites only
and assumed He will take care of them just because He is their own God. Moses
tried explaining against this concept in the early chapters of Deuteronomy
(1-10). But they never understood it, rather even in the later times of
Jeremiah and other prophets they assumed God will take care of them as they are
the only people who know Him and hence God is bound to be on their side and
protect them. They took proud of being the descendants of Abraham even when
they were debating with Jesus in the later part of John 8. Jesus had to rebuke
them saying that their lives expose them to be the children of the devil.
Apostle John presents Jesus to us in a very
unambiguous and unchallengeable way. Later Peter and Paul supports the same
through their letters. In John 1: 1-3, John presents Jesus as the God eternal
who created everything. So Jesus is God the creator who owns the whole
creation (Ref. Col. 1:15-19). God planned the whole creation to belong to Him
as Jesus became the man Jesus, to be the second Adam in the place of the fallen
Adam’s race who lost the dominion over the creation which God had entrusted
man. He is reclaiming what God has given to man and make it theirs through the
process of rebirth and abiding in Him (remember what Jesus taught in John 3 and
15). So we need to know Jesus as the creator God who in His grace reestablishes
a God given status for the Church- His body (Eph. 1:23), to be God’s children,
His possession and His Kingdom. Nothing less will satisfy God’s plan of
redemption and His plans for us, the redeemed humanity. Anything less than this
becomes a distortion of truth propagated and taught by the enemy a
Christianized humanism.
Man has lost his real life as God’s
children by the fall but continue to be the best of creatures as he was made in
God’s image with God-given attributes and capabilities. The image became
distorted as explained in Romans 1 and man has become incapable of fulfilling
God’s mission (Gen 1:26-28) on earth as he is dead unto God and disconnected
(Eph. 2:1-3). This is death from the life which God has breathed into man in
Gen. 2:7. So it has become necessary for that life to re-given to make anew
humanity. So God sent His son to be the life of man on earth. John 1:4,5 &
9, explains that life as light as light exposes death within and brings in
recognition of a new life. So Jesus is the Life of man who is dead in sin.
Therefore who ever accepts Jesus become alive and retake the lost status as the
rightful children of God (John 1:11,12). God has provided life for dead
humanity but it is man’s choice to accept or reject that life. This is
explained further in John3:36. The great declaration in john 3:15-17 affirms
this truth. Jesus goes on to teach on this in John 5 (24,25,40,51,53,54); 6
(27,33,35,48); 8:12; 10 (10,28); 14:6; and 17 (2,3).
Peter calls Jesus as the prince of life
(Acts 3:15) and Paul teaches on Jesus as life for us in Romans 5 (10,17,21); 6
(4,23); 2 Cor 4 (10,11); Ephesians 2 (1-10); Colossians 3:4 and 2 Timothy 1:1.
Apostle John takes it on vividly in 1 John 1:2 and 5 (11,12,20) while Jude
mentions it in 1:21. Going through passages will make it important to accept
and acknowledge Jesus as our life and hence without Him we are dead and
disconnected to God, Jesus the creator. So we do not exist independently as
Christians trying to use Jesus’ name to sanctify us and achieve things and
status we do not have. We are in Him and Him in us (Read Jesus prayer- His
mission report to His Father in John 17) through the abiding presence of the
Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is not helping us to be better Christians but lives in
us to make us alive. Holy Spirit is indwelling in us to build us into the image
of Christ (Rom 8:29) and sanctify us but we are not able to enjoy the freedom
of that life in Him as we are constrained by the competition of our old human
nature and our worldly aspirations.
We do not need to live a life controlled
and monitored by external elements like the family, local church, society,
parents, teachers and pastors before whom we try to become better people. We
need to learn to live controlled by the indwelling Holy Spirit, who prompts,
corrects, enables and empowers us to live a God-pleasing life (2 Corinthians
15:9). It is a Spirit directed, Spirit guided, Spirit enabled life, and that is
life in Christ. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul advises us to be dead unto sin and live
unto God, and for that to be living sacrifices surrendering our body and mind
(soul) unconditionally to the active operation and activation of the Indwelling
Holy Spirit. This is often hindered by a life trying to live in conformity to
the world and compromising the Spirit’s activity within with outward religious
and pious activities.
To fully understand the above truth in
experience, we need to know Jesus as our owner and Lord. He has bought us with His life
blood. As we are born of God by instilling new life from Jesus, our life; He
owns us as He bought us from the old owner/s- Satan, the World and the Sin. So
we do not belong anymore to the kingdom of Satan where he rules, the world to
which we had been attached by bodily birth and the nature of sin we had
inherited from the fallen Adam. We are made righteous, holy and the people of
God’s Kingdom (1 Peter 2:9) . We need to grow into the fullness of these in our
life and experience through the in-working of indwelling Holy Spirit as
explained above. John starts on this truth in john 1:11,12 and Paul reminds us
the cost and implications of it in 2 Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 2:20,21; Philippians
1:20,21 and Colossians 3:1-4.
So Jesus is the Creator God, Jesus is man’s
Life and Jesus is the Owner/Lord of the redeemed children of God. We need to
know Him as such and give Him due honor and worship. In Phil. 3:10 Paul says he
wants to know Jesus more beyond what he has already known, so how much more we
need to?
Who is Jesus to me?
Jesus is my Creator God who came down to
seek me and save me
– the Christ, the Messiah. He was separated/anointed to be Christ/Messiah for
the task of redemption of the fallen, dead humanity even before the creation
actually occurred, but in God’s foreknowledge- 1 Peter 1:20. It was God’s plan
of love for His creation and done in His time to separate a people for Himself
(1 Pet 2:9) from the enemies (Rom 5:10) and fallen dead sinners (Eph 2:1-3). In
God’s own time He was revealed as a man born in Bethlehem named Jesus, to call
unto Him the foreknown people of God (1 Cor 2:7, Eph 1:4 and Tit 1:2). It was
God’s love for the humanity expressed through His Son. So He is my life who
enlivens me out of death and alienation, to be reconciled to God (2 Cor
So Jesus is my savior/redeemer. He came as the Lamb of
God to take away the sin of the world, the whole humanity ( Jn 1:29). He died
on our behalf on the cross to take away our sins, shame and guilt and makes us
right with God- righteous, when we were God’s enemies drowned in sin (Rom 5:10)
and absolutely powerless to do anything to save ourselves from our plight of
death and alienation from the Creator and His purposes (Rom 8:3). We have also
received immeasurable privileges in Him through His act of redemption, for us
to cash on, practice and enjoy (Col 1:9-14). This is the hope laid up for us in
heaven to be appropriated here and now in Christ (Col 1:1-8). He was the
firstborn and the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15). Image implying the
character and attributes of God, to revitalize the image of God in man which
had become dormant and inactive in the fallen dead man. So Jesus has redeemed
us from the lost state of a living soul (Gen 2:7) being dead before God, now
back into life. He has saved us from alienation and eternal death into
reconciliation with God and an inheritance in eternal life.
Jesus is the revealer of my unseen God. Jesus visibly revealed
the invisible God and His character through His earthly life and actions (Jn
1:18). In John 14:6-10, He explained that to His disciples who were still not
able to contain in their understanding that mystery of an invisible God, in the
body of a person who like them, lives, travels, eats and sleeps with them. Only
when they received the abiding Holy Spirit, they could immediately unfold the
wisdom of God in revealing Himself in a man. This is the testimony of the
apostles (Jn 1:14, 1 Jn 1:1,2). Are we able to affirm with them that we have
seen and known God in Jesus or are we still in a state of confusion like Philip
and others in John 14? This is the challenge before us. We usually try to live
and preach a second hand message which we do not experience. God is to be
experienced and enjoyed and His fellowship is sweet. This is why Jesus spent
hours alone with His father while He was on this earth. He was not praying as
we do, asking for this and that, but was resting and enjoying His father and
having a sweet conversation of what is happening. We are called to be His
Jesus is my elder Brother who is my role
model. God
has made Jesus a man to be the life of the dead humanity and their redeemer.
But our calling is much more than that, as revealed in Rom 8:29. God has made
us His children so as to make Jesus our predecessor who will bring us into the
status of the children of God and show us how to live as God’s children. Jesus,
as an obedient son, regularly listened to His Father, did what the Father wanted
and made His goal to accomplish the purposes of God (Jn 4:34). He spoke only
what God prompted Him to speak through the abiding Spirit and did only those
things which the Father directed Him to do. His physical, moral, emotional and
social life were fully transparent and fulfilling the laws of God given in the
Old Testament. So he could declare with confidence that, “I have come to
fulfill the law” (Mathew 5:15,17). He is the initiator and perfecter of our
faith (Heb 12:2), and hence the only role model for a child of God here and
now. In John 15 and 17 He has invited us to be the part of that heavenly
family, one with the Father. The challenge is to ask ourselves, “Whom are we
Jesus is my Lord and shepherd. John 10:1-14 is a great
exposition our present relationship with Jesus in contrast all those false
shepherds who demands our attention and attracts us into their ways. First of
all, Jesus owns us as He has bought us, gave us His life and lives in us
through His Spirit. This is why Paul declares in 2 Cor 5:15 that we do not have
any right to live on our own. He further testifies His own experience in
Galatians 2:20. This is the demanding concept behind asking a convert to accept
Jesus as Lord- master, owner. We are surrendering ourselves with all our
faculties- body, soul and spirit to Him who has become our rightful master.
This what Paul admonishes in Rom 12:1,2. Jesus requires that of us in a
willful, voluntary submission and a covenant of living together with Him. In
effect and experience this becomes an ongoing experience and disciplined action
in our daily Christian lives. This is why we need to listen to God every day in
the Spirit through the Word and communicate with Him fervently in prayer. Our
commitment and surrender will be expressed in our obedience and a disciplined
life as per the revealed and known truth. He is the shepherd who has committed
Himself to take care of us, feed us, heal us, protect us, teach us and guide
us. So we do not and should not look into others for all this. Peter reminds us
to humble ourselves and to take our anxieties and cares to Him (1 Pet 5:6,7) as
He is committed to care for us.
Jesus is my Judge and King. I am accountable to God
who created me, saved me, gave me life and gives everything I need here and now
to live as His child. Man was made accountable at creation (Gen 1:26-28,
2:16,17). In Christ, as He owns us, we are bound to live a life pleasing to
Him. Romans 12:2 exhorts us to seek and find His perfect will for our lives as
we are recreated in Christ for works God has foreordained for us (Eph 2;10). So
Paul says that we have to make it our life goal to please Him (2 Cor 5:9). We
are also bound to present our life accounts before Him as Jesus will Judge us
to confer awards and crowns when He comes according to how we have lived here
(2 Cor 5:10-12; 2 Tim 4:1,8; Heb 10:30) and now. As I have received entrance
into His Kingdom, Jesus has started ruling over my life. A Kingdom is known by
three aspects. The presence of the King, the effective obedience to His laws
and willful availability to fulfill his wishes/purposes. So Jesus demands His
Kingdom rule over our daily lives, by experiencing His presence, sticking to
His pattern and modes of life and being made available to accomplish His
purposes in and through our lives.
Jesus is my bridegroom. For a bride the
ultimate fulfilment is joining her bridegroom and establishing a life with him.
We the Church is the chosen bride- the body of Christ, being prepared in
righteousness and holiness to be a fitting Bride for the heavenly Bridegroom.
Phil. 1:6 says that Holy Spirit is at work within each one of us with this good
work of preparing us to be acceptable when He arrives. But we need to allow the
Holy Spirit to mold and make us worthy by correcting, refining, teaching,
guiding and training us. For this the Word is entrusted to the coaches in the
churches (2 Tim 3:16,17). We need to discipline us in this process of
listening, obeying and submitting so as to complete the process of salvation-
remaking of our lives (Phil 2:12). When our bridegroom comes He will take us
with Him into eternal glory and we will live with Him for ever and ever. That
is the hope that motivates us to leap forward in the life of faith (Phil
Elder P.A. Thomas
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