Saturday, May 4, 2019

Time: An Analogy for Triune God

Have you found the doctrine of Trinity is difficult to apprehend. Read the following excerpt from Dr. Nathan R Wood’s book ‘The Secret of Universe’. You will start loving Trinity. Time is just one example of the reflection of God in the Universe. It is the Triune God who created the Universe (Unity in Diversity). Otherwise, how can everything in the universe reflect His triune nature?
This is how time operates. Read it. And then substitute the word time for God, future for Father, present for Son and past for Holy Spirit. You will be marveled.  
"The Future is the source. The Future is unseen, unknown, except as it continually embodies itself and makes itself visible in the Present. The Present is what we see, and hear, and know. It is ceaselessly embodying the Future, day by day, hour by hour, and moment by moment. It is perpetually revealing the Future, hitherto invisible. 
The Future is logically first, but not chronologically. For the Present exists as long as Time exists and was in the absolute beginning of Time. The Present has existed as long as Time has existed. Time acts through and in the Present. It makes itself visible only in the Present.
The Future acts and reveals itself through the Present. It is through the Present that A time that the Future enters into union with human life. Time and humanity meet and unite in the Present. it is the Present that Time, that the Future, becomes a part of human life, and so is born and lives and dies in human life. 
The Past, in turn comes from the Present. We cannot say that it embodies the Present. On the contrary, Time in issuing from the Present into the Past becomes invisible again. The Past does not embody the Present. Rather it proceeds silently, endlessly, invisibly from it… The Present therefore comes out from the invisible Future.
The Present perpetually and ever-newly embodies the Future in visible, audible, liveable form; and returns again into invisible Time in the Past. The Past acts invisibly. It continually influences us with regard to the Present. It casts light upon the Present. That is its great function. It helps us to live in the Present which we know, and with reference to the Future which we expect to see."  
Substitute the words:  
Time with God
Future with Father
Present with Son
Past with Holy Spirit 
Read the passage again.  
The Father is the source. The Father is unseen except as he continually embodies Himself and makes Himself visible in the Son. The Son is what we see, and hear, and know. He is ceaselessly embodying the Father, day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment. He is perpetually revealing the Father, hitherto invisible. 
The Father is logically first, but not chronologically, For the Son exists as long as God exists, and was in the absolute beginning of God. The Son has existed as long as God has existed. God acts through and in the Son. He makes Himself visible only in the Son. The Father acts and reveals Himself through the Son. It is through the Son that God that the Father, enters into union with human life. God and humanity meet and unite in the Son. It is in the Son that God, that the Father, becomes a part of human life, and so is born and lives and dies in human life. 
The Spirit, in turn, comes from the Son. We cannot say that He embodies the Son. On the contrary God, in issuing from the Son into the Spirit, becomes invisible again. The Spirit does not embody the Son. Rather He proceeds silently, endlessly, invisibly from Him… The Son, therefore, comes out from the invisible Father.
The Son perpetually and ever-newly embodies the Father in visible, audible, livable form, and returns into invisible God in the Spirit. The Spirit acts invisibly. He continually influences us with regard to the Son. He casts light upon the Son. That is His great function. He helps us to live in the Son whom we know and with reference to the Father whom we expect to see. 

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