Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Every morning when you wake up, don’t you think how many people have lost their lives? And you are alive, you can see the whole world. You can touch and. feel it. You must be thankful to God for every single day of a beautiful life.
We put on a man’s tomb store that he was born on a certain date and died on a certain date. Between these two poles of time, we live our lives thinking that, does the life have meaning! There is a reason for our lives of suffering, rejection, pain, joy, hate, and love. We believe, the world is not perfect but, we humans are responsible to make the world imperfect. In Genesis, God created the whole world and he said “GOOD” seven times. Our origin was not a cosmic accident, it’s in the very hand of God who shaped us and breathes life into us. He chooses us when he planned creation. He is the one who determined the exact time of our birth and where we would live. we are not a mistake, we were chosen and loved, because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Have you found true purpose and meaning of life?

It’s start with you being on time. We worry about everything and never being late on time like we do on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other games. It might not seem like a big deal but over the time, we will lack discipline and urgency in other areas of life as well. The discipline of being on time can make a huge difference in life. There is saying, “do today what you will thank yourself for tomorrow!” GOD was never delayed in sending Jesus at the right time in our life when we are powerless and sinful. He came in time. It’s not only on the page of history but in the story of our life. In Timothy 1:19, we can find; he has saved us and called us to a holy life not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of the time.
There are so many such people in our society who believe that it’s great to be alive, but here is the difference, your life is really for a living or just surviving? Don’t live your lives in the wilderness. Every living creature can survive. God has set the best example in Matthew 6:26, it says, look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them, Are you not more valuable than they? God has told us in Matthew 10:31, fear not, therefore you are of more value than many sparrows. You are made in the image of God. You are the sons and daughters of the kings of the king. You are so important that even the hairs of your head are all numbered. He is the complete expression of love; he is the provider and meets all our needs because he is our perfect father. So, here is a question for you; Are you living the abundant life that Christ promised, or do you merely exist?
No matter how great or perfect a person is in his career/life, he is worthless without Jesus because the bible tells us in Roman 8:37 that, we are more than a conqueror through Christ. We believe in one God who is perfect; who can turn impossible things into possible. God has a great plan for your future. He has promised you that he will never stop doing good to you. He can do more than you have ever imagined. He is the one who comforts you in your trouble. Your life has a purpose. You will find hope in him. He is a great encourager, and he has been faithful and is faithful. He gave his only son Jesus and the blood of Jesus has covered your sin who set you free to live like a righteous man which is more than enough. He said; my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). You must understand that your weakness is simple opportunities for Jesus to reveal his grace in your life.

He made your life so easy that he carries your cross and crowned the throne. Don’t try to control the world instead, ask the holy spirit to come within you to control and use your life to impact, so that you can spread the love of Jesus, goodness, and mercy that influence the world around you and the time is now. It will totally change your life if you let him inside in you. You are a treasured possession and you are the child of God. Your life is not limited. Why? Because our God is an unlimited edition, and this is your identity

Joshana Baidya
Diploma in Nursing, Australia

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