Monday, November 5, 2018

Motivation to Move; A perspective

Newton said everything has an equal and opposite reaction. Likewise, behind everything, there is a purpose. Throughout the bible passage and incidents, where we could find that God has a plan in every character and they are differently appointed in their task. Some had fulfilled his plan and some has failed. It means nothing was done in vain.
Determining the purpose is very crucial. When the task is done with the purpose, there is always a satisfaction and happiness. First thing is there is always a reason in a state where we are. Second, when we get a purpose of being in a state where God put me helps to reach the destiny.
And I think the true motivation to accomplish the task is a purpose. It means when we know the purpose behind being in a state where we are currently is a true motivation to proceed ahead. I believe God will let to know his purpose if we seek him diligently. And he must be our true motivation in every action. Although it is not possible practically in daily life presently but as we practice then it will be possible. Motivation is to be searched oneself then listen from other. We could get guidance from other but the root of motivation is to be tasted by oneself. 
If we truly find the God at the end of motivation then as he is eternal, we will be motivated up to reaching eternity in every purpose of God. It means to find and make your motivation a God. Most of the time, we placed to a state or in a situation so that we could seek God. In my experiential knowledge, god let us to a different state whether it's a trouble or happiness or torture or mourning or work environment or living environment but the sole purpose behind everything is to seek him, look up him and follow him. God wants us to be attached to me. In order to make be like that attaching, he throws us sometime under the blessing and under trouble but the purpose is not to give us trouble but blessing which is not what we generally understand of prosperity but the spiritual blessing i.e. his peace or his joy or his presence in us. We occasional find financial, social and physical incentives as motivation in the secular world, whereas in spiritual living the god himself is our motivation. This is the real purpose of God and this is to be our motivation to face every up and down.
Daniel got persecution and trial from their coworker, blame them and exaggerate king against Daniel. And Daniel moves in prayer more and keeps his face upwards. He seeks god and attached more closely to him. It gives satisfaction, strength, a power to overcome the temporary trial. Thus we should check am I being stronger? Am I getting closer to God? Am I getting transferred in the character of the god or not? This is the purpose behind everything and God tried to make us that kind of people so he flow us in a different situation but we are to be in his control. This is what I suppose a motivation to move; A perspective.

By Rajeev Shrestha
Former Ktm Valley CBS, Pharmacist, CGF

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