Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"Trinity and Divinity of Jesus Christ" by Kevin Shrestha

We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It seems as if we do worship and trust three gods. Yet, our belief and faith says there is only 'One God', not three[i]. The matter of 'trinity' and 'divinity of Christ Jesus' have been a great issue of discussion since the development of churches and Christian belief throughout the world. Even today, we can find many Christian denominations that reject the concept of trinity and divinity of Christ. They are found disproving and disagreeing both divinity of Jesus and trinity using the Holy Bible verses. However, we are sure in our belief that The Holy Bible itself says that Jesus is the revelation of the unseen God[ii].
Here comes the question whether the Holy Bible itself contradicts? Is Jesus really God? Is trinity relevant? Few denominations of Christianity have suggested that these theories are non-biblical and for its verification, they have brought several books in the market to suggest people that Jesus is not God and trinity is not true, rather they are misconception of people[iii][iv]. Does The Holy Bible really say that Jesus is not God? Alternatively, is there something wrong going around in the interpretation of the Biblical accounts of God and his revelation?
First, we need to be sure that God made us and he is not for us to understand or to have research on. There is no way we can prove him, as we are his creation. Similarly, proving or disproving Christ Jesus as God is not what the Bible focuses on, but the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the chosen Messiah, the Son of God[v]. The Bible declares that Jesus is the final revelation of God and exact representation of His being.[vi] Jesus is called Son of God and it is common to us but the question here comes-Jesus is called Son of God and yet he is represented as God…but how can God be both Father and Son at the same time? This question comes forth whenever we fail to grab the clarification of the Bible. We have to understand trinity to be clear regarding this contrary. However, does the Bible really support trinity?
Is the Trinity Biblical?
The simple meaning of the trinity is One God revealed in three persons. We can also understand the term as three in a unity i.e. three persons unites to form One God. This idea is generally unacceptable for few denominations like Jehovah witness, Unitarian and so on. Jehovah's Witness believe God is only Jehovah and Jesus is not God rather His first creation[vii]. Unitarian believes that Jesus is enlightened master. Mormons believe that Jesus is physical son of Elohim and brother of Lucifer[viii].
The way they give Biblical basis to prove their opinion is just like the way people think that the sun moves around the earth. The Bible says that there is only One God, which is true[ix]. However, we can find God's name used in plural form suggesting He must be the unity of more than one person though he is one.[x] This is very difficult to generalize as God himself uses both pronouns “I” and “us” to refer himself. Therefore, God must be the unity of Father, Son and Spirit. This must be the basis for trinity.
If we notice Genesis 1:26-"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness". In this verse, we can see God is using plural pronoun to denote himself. Many scholars thought that God must have been talking with the angels but this concept is a blunder for God had never made them in his own image.[xi] However, this verse gives us the idea about his trinity nature because humans have three distinct aspects in one-body, soul and spirit. We often hear from people saying, "I tell my body to get going, but it just doesn’t want to move." Another e.g. Players often say, "My mind was suggesting me to take a high jump but my body remained still." Here, the speaker is only one person and yet he is pointing towards two different aspects, which are in contradiction within himself. This is triune nature of humans who were created by God in his own likeness and image. Therefore, God must be One and yet more than one within himself.
Let us see Genesis 3:22- "The man has become like one of us" which implies that there is more than one person within God himself. Many scholars and few leaders of even other religions point out this verse stating that Christians do have more than one God.[xii] Nevertheless, Deuteronomy 6:4 suggests that God is only one and the Bible itself suggests that there is only one God. According to my perception, the verse has compared humans with one of his attribute in God. This means one of the attribute in God must be the knowledge of distinguishing right and wrong as he is declaring that both Adam and Eve had received knowledge of right and wrong.
It is the same case in Genesis 11:7, where God again uses plural pronoun to denote himself. This gives us idea about his unity i.e. God must be the unity of more than one person and the persons united to form One God involves in decision before accomplishing any targeted deed. We can simply acknowledge that the persons in one God work in a complete unity and together, and their glory, attribute, nature and power are in complete agreement, as we do not find a single conflict within God himself.      
 The usage of the Hebrew word 'echad' which means 'one' but suggests more than one person in Gen 2:24, Deut 6:4.[xiii]
The teaching of King Agur, which suggests a Son of God. Proverb 30:4. Moreover, Gen 1:2 suggests spirit of God. Similarly, John 1:18 suggests that Son has revealed the Father to the world.
We can have plural forms referred to God in Eccles. 12:1 and Isaiah 54:5.
The divine conversations in Isaiah, using a plural form of divine pronoun. Isaiah 6:8; 48:16 and 63:9-10. In these verses, we can find the use of plural pronouns in such a way as if God himself is pointing to other divine person though God was speaking about himself.
The divine conversation in the psalms, which also use plurals as in Psalm 2:1-9, 45:6-8, 110:1-5. Here, we can find the use of words such as Lord, God and chosen One of God, which suggest that these psalms are talking about two distinct persons with the same nature. However, God is one and yet it seems as if those verses describe two distinct divine persons at same time. This gives us idea that even the separate persons who are in unity as one God, each of them must possess complete attribute and nature of single God, which seems very difficult to understand for human mind.[xiv]
The baptism of Jesus Christ, where Father (voice), Son (Jesus himself) and the spirit (in form of dove) were all present at the same time. Matthew 3:16-17. This makes us clear that God indeed is Father, Son and spirit. We can either say that 'God' is actually a common noun for the three persons. This gives us clarification that God exists in three persons and he is capable of revealing himself in three persons at the same time.        
The teaching of Jesus about Father and Holy Spirit in John 14:16 in which he is explaining about his Father, who sent him and the spirit who would come to dwell in his disciples after his departure from the earth.
The baptism formula taught by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 has names of Father, Son and Spirit in sequence with equal emphasize. Here, all the three persons are given equal importance and so they must be one God.  
The apostolic benediction in second Cor. 13:14, where all of the three persons of God head are emphasized. Grace of Jesus, love of God and communion of spirit are focused with equal necessity. This means that they are equally important for us and they work as one essence in our life.
No member of the trinity is subordinate to other members according to Matthew 28:19, which means they do have no hierarchy rather they are equal in essence.
All three members possess the same essence i.e. co-equal, co-infinite and co-eternal according to Psalm 110:1 and John 10:30. This means they have always existed as One God with same nature and equal in power, glory, attribute and authority. In John 10:30, Jesus said, "I and my Father are one" which signifies their equality in divine nature though distinct personally in begotten nature.
"The Lord God (Father) has sent me (Son) and His spirit" in Isaiah 48:16, suggests about the coming of lord as messiah with the spirit of God. According to my view, we can clearly see the mentioning of three distinct persons yet God is speaking about himself.
The Father conceived the divine plan, the Son accomplished it and the spirit restored the plan after Satan's fall according to John 1:1-3, Col. 1:16, Hebrew 1:2 and Genesis 1:2.[xv]
The three members of the trinity God hold meetings according to Genesis 3:22, 11:7 and Isa. 6:8.
By studying above few verses from the Bible, we can conclude that trinity does have Biblical foundation. Father is God, Son is God and Spirit is God and yet God is one but not three. We can understand as if God is a family of these three persons or God is one who exists in three persons.
 For analogy, we can take government - There is one government in a nation but legislature, who makes law; executive, who implements the law and judiciary, who justifies the lawbreaker or provides just to the people whether they are guilty or innocent, operate the government itself. These three organs of government are dependent and control each other. They unite and work simultaneously to run the nation. In same way, God can be a supernatural government of this universe operated by Father, Son and the Spirit. Father plans, the Son executes and Holy Ghost brings us near to that God. Here, Father is analogy to legislature, Son as executive and spirit as judiciary. [God do have numerous angels with him rather. These angels are given different powers, levels, authorities and works and serve the world and believers. This can be considered as various institutes, organizations and departments mobilized in the nation under the control of government. In Nepal, we have Public Service Commission, CIAA, Attorney General, Auditor General, Nepal Army, Nepal Police, etc. which work under the government of Nepal. These departments are given different powers, works, and authorities to run the nation.] This is how we can somehow understand God but this illustration obviously fails at several points.
Another e.g. is water, which has three distinct states/forms-solid, liquid, and gas. Chemically, they possess similar properties, but physically they are different. These three states are of same substance and has H2O as molecular formula. However, water itself cannot exist in three states at the same time unless the temperature is 0.0075 degree Celsius and the pressure is 4.58 mm of Hg, which is the triple point for water. In this condition, three states of water are simultaneously in equilibrium in contact with one another.  Nevertheless, this illustration does not actually coincide with the Biblical basis for trinity.
The Sun is another analogy from which we can get heat, life and light. Though Sun is one, it has three functions at the same time. Similarly, God is one and his three persons have three distinct roles yet each person is God.
Some scholars may use various illustrations like triangle, egg, time, matter, etc. to describe trinity but none of these analogies can be a successful approach to explain triune nature of God as He is beyond our understanding and perception. However, these analogies can give us some idea about his triune nature. Many analogies in this universe exist to explain trinity.
We may analyze the same issue as:[xvi]     
1.      The Holy Bible has always said that there is One God: "Hear O' Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is one." Deut 6:4; Jesus even confirms this in all he says and teaches. Mk 12:29-30
2.      However, The Holy Bible says:
The Father is God-Matt 6:8, 7:12, Galatians 1:1
Jesus is God from the beginning –John1:1-18
The Holy Spirit is God-John 15:26, Mark 3:29, 1 Corinthians 6:19
3.      There are occasions when God referred to himself in plural terms-Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7, Isaiah 6:8
We cannot conclude from this that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are independent Gods, because the Holy Bible says that there is only One God.
Additionally, if we conclude that they are three independent Gods then we have broken the first of the ten commandments of the Holy Bible-"You shall have no other gods before me." Deut 5:7
Therefore, it stands for the reason that they cannot be independent Gods at all. Nevertheless, how would we know this? Jesus explains it in John 14:17. To summarize he says-"I and my Father are one." John 10:30, 17:11, 21. "I am in the Father and the Father is in me" (John 14:11). This means Jesus and the Father must be the same God but distinct. Now let's consider what Jesus says about the Holy Spirit: "I will send the spirit of truth" for he lives with and will be in you" I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." John 14:17-18, 20
How can the Father and Son be within each other at once? How can the Son and Holy Spirit be in me at once? The answer is only if they are the same yet distinct persons.
As in conclusion, they are different persons and yet they are the same God with same nature, glory, power and attributes. It is difficult to analyze and understand for us but we have to accept it because God is beyond the physical world.
It is obviously important us to know what the trinity is not! It is not three gods, not three beings, not three spirits, not three creators, not three Jehovah, not three heart and not three faces.   
Thus, trinity is the matter of acceptance that our God is one revealed in three persons but if we go on generalizing the fact about God, such attempt may lead us to sudden mental disorder. God is beyond human understanding and we must believe the revelation of his truth rather trying to grab detail about him. We can just have faith in him but not that we must understand him. No matter even if the trinity is difficult to understand but we can understand God by acknowledging Jesus Christ. "He who would try to understand the Trinity fully will lose his mind. But he who would deny the Trinity will lose his soul." - Lindsell and Woodbridge.[xvii] We do not have to debate with cults teachers as God is not the subject matter of discussion. It does not matter whether someone proves trinity or disproves it, because such attempts have no effect on our God. We just need to have faith in our God. We need to understand that Father is like the Sun, as we really do not know how the Sun looks like in reality. Son is like the image of the Sun seen from sky which makes us feel about the nature of the Sun and we can grab some knowledge about it even staying on the earth and spirit is like the rays of light coming from the Sun to us. As rays of light coming from the Sun do have the unity of seven colours, in the same way Holy Ghost can make us feel his presence in different forms like water, fire, dove, etc. Therefore, we can understand trinity using scientific knowledge either. Here, Sun is one but has three aspects. In this way, we can have faith in our God but we do not understand him in his complete nature.
It is better for us not to deal in detail with the trinity as it can bring several conflicts but it doesn’t mean that we must neglect it. This is because human beings have no such extent of understanding and interpreting capability that is enough to explain or understand the trinity. Our limited mind cannot grab every detail of the infinite God!
If we study 'trinity' then we can find that this word itself has no limitation at all. It has no definite meaning and none of the logical ideas can make this concept clear. Every theologian, Christian denomination, scholars and learned personalities have described this term in their own way, which may be in contrary to the Holy Bible. We know that our Bible itself is the complete unity of 66 books and none of the verses contradict one another until and unless misunderstood by humans themselves. Talking about trinity leads to sudden series of conflicts among biblical verses due to humans' definite limitation of understanding! Many cult teachers argue that 'trinity' is not found in the Holy Bible so we must not believe it. However, it isn’t the case. For instance, gravity is worldwide accepted and experienced term but the word ‘gravity’ is itself not in the Bible! So, do we have to neglect the terminology? The one, who believes in the Christ from his heart and has experienced presence of God and salvation, for him/her trinity is not matter of discussion. Trinity is the way we can know how God works in our daily life!
Some consider Father as God in relationship, Son as God in flesh and Holy Spirit as God in spiritual action, while some might think they are three terms to describe One God whereas some believe one God functioning in three distinct ways and other may explain One God existing in three forms and so on. Well, we do not agree with any of these definitions though they may be the fact according to the Holy Bible. Our God himself has no limitation and hence there is no use of trying to explain trinity (understand Isaiah 55:8.9).
 God is spirit, who is transcendent, eternal, infinite or unbounded, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Therefore, there is no use of attaching with this term which has no definite explanation and depends on how people percept it. However, we now know that it is indeed Biblical basis from the above discussion of some verses from the Holy Bible which shows God is one and yet unity of three persons. The main point to understand here is that our God is one with triune nature. He has always been existing as three persons. It is therefore we can say that God is unity of three persons or God has revealed himself in three persons. It doesn’t matter how we understand it, but we need to be sure that there is one God not three! It is impossible to discover everything about God but we can have faith in him because Bible itself gives evidence for trinity!  
Instead of focusing on the Trinity, try to focus on the fact of God's greatness and infinitely higher nature than our own. "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?" (Romans 11:33-34[xviii]

[i] Rev. Dr. BalKrishna Sharma, Major religions of the world, a Nepali perspective (ITEEN, 2015), 258
[ii] John 1:18, Colossians 2:9, Phillipians 2:5-11
[iii] Refer ‘An Introduction to Cults Teaching’ written by Ashish Sinha and Rohit Dhakal (Grace publication)
[iv] Watchtower 11/1/93, page 23
   Aid to Bible Understanding, page 1543
   Should You Believe in the Trinity? pp. 14, 20 (1963)
[v] John 20:30, 31
[vi] Hebrew 1:1-3
[vii] Watchtower 11/1/93, page 23
   Aid to Bible Understanding, page 1543
   Should You Believe in the Trinity? pp. 14, 20 (1963)
[viii] Ashish Sinha and Rohit Dhakal, An Introduction to Cults Teaching, (Grace publication, 2014), 94
[ix] Judas 1:25; John 1:1
[x] Pastor Mangalman Maharjan, यि धर्महरुले के सिकाउनछन् ?
[xi] Genesis 1:26
[xii] Refer ‘Gyan Ganga’ in which the verse has been misinterpreted.
[xiii] Source: Internet- Proof of Trinity.
[xiv] Isaiah 55:8, 9
[xv] Source: Internet- Proof of Trinity
[xvi] Source: Internet
[xvii] Alban Douglas, One Hundred Bible Lessons (Bardan publication, 1998), 17
[xviii] http://www.allaboutgod.com/trinity-doctrine.htm

Prepared by
Kevin Shrestha
Civil Engineering Student, KTM Valley CBS

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