Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bible Study 1

We will start with the passage Romans 8:28-30 as this is what we know (or should be knowing) in the context of the passages before and after it. 8:18-27 start with what we think and what we had known about creation (v 22) and 8:31-39 challenges us to the commitment to this knowing and the status we have been called into.
Now please go through these passages and try to bring out your comments based on the following questions.
1. What is Paul trying to teach the Church regarding the status we have in Christ through salvation?
2. What are our calling and its ultimate end result or effect?
3. So what kind of lifestyle we have to develop on to fulfill the growing process attaining the end result?

As in any study, every student looks at the content in their own context and background understanding as well as personal application. Thank all those who have worked on this passage. I chose it as the first study as Paul brings this passage into focus after systematically explaining what is salvation/redemption from God's perspective as well as Jewish and Christian perspectives. Following chapters elucidates more of its practical application in personal and church life in a multi-religious and cross-cultural context.
From verses 1-17, Paul is trying to teach us how do we live this new life, the life in, by and through the Holy Spirit. The keys are in verses 1 and 2- being in Christ and the law of the Spirit. The question is who is in control? The sinful nature and the old man or Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is a submission (v.7), control (v.9), being led (v.14) and an enabling (vs.15-17).
8:18-27 starts with what we think and consider- out attitude to this new way of life. This new attitude gives us a new expectation regarding ourselves and everything around us in creation. Then he talks about what we know about the degradation of creation (v 22) and our special status as those who have the first fruits of the Spirit as the children, born of God and hence enabled, protected and empowered to live the new life with the glorious freedom of the children of God in and through the Holy Spirit living and working in and through us.
Then he takes us to 8:28-30. Because we have submitted ourselves to a life under God's control, with a new perspective on what has happened to us and what is going to happen, God is going to work out His plans in and through us - that is the ultimate good for us. This is because we have responded positively to His call and is submitting ourselves to a life on that line- allowing being transformed into His image under the control of the indwelling Holy Spirit (vs. 29,30). Paul explains this kind of life in Romand 12:1-2, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:1-3 etc.
On these grounds, Paul takes us through the jubilant experience of living a victorious life in Christ in 8:31-39. He challenges us to a commitment and living in conformity with the knowing of God's work on us and the status we have been called into. God is for us and no one can stand against, He will give us all things- necessary for such a living. He intercedes for us and enfolds us in His everlasting love and makes us more than conquerors which demand commitment, courage and a firm stand against the enemy and the old way of life. Thus our new lifestyle becomes one of complete dependence and trust in God and a sustained, consistent discipline to live under the control of the Holy Spirit.
You may comment on this brief exposition. I will put in the next study tomorrow.

By: PA Thomas

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