Monday, February 13, 2017

Remedy you're seeking !

“….. wish I could style so gorgeously like that, but with this mess, I don't even suit a tree in a  junior year drama…

A typical saying we get to hear from almost every second person. Yes, I'm talking about the hair, YOUR hair! We all have gone through the situations like above at least once if not always, and there are people who live just to talk about this topic.

Rich ads of hair products recommended by the celebrities, with the promises of making your hair as attractive and
beautiful as you have imagined. They guarantee your satisfaction of using the product, but always with a single* or double** asterisks. Oh, and your bffs with new dye, your colleagues with unique hair style, your new crush with so freaking long/short hair. Again, your idol models with jaw dropping new fashions and trending hair cuts. Some even recommend their blunt bald heads as something you desire for the rest of your life. They suggest you brands, countries, their services, even the colors of the products you ought to use in order to fit in the mass.

Gosh…. The chaos you'll have after all these traumatic showcases is you're left with nothing but your imperfect hair. You suddenly see all the surroundings competent. You feel miserable for having such a low life with the worst hair imaginable. Sometimes, you think of killing your parents for giving you birth. Sometimes you think of getting a stylist to help you, but of course after you have those damn Rs. bills. Yet, you're there, thinking of a way to make your hair look good at least in front of others, while you know that their roots as worse. You hate to admit those imperfections, guard heavily those emotions which could otherwise burst out if you're alone, in front of mirror.

Then you wish for a genie to help you out in that situation. You'd wish for the most desirable hair of your choice; the texture, color, thickness, length and so on. But you know that it was a 16th century fable to think these miracles happened in real life. Because, the celebrity you idolized last month was caught with a hair mess, by paparazzi and not just that single swine, but a whole bunch of them! News flashed the chemical hazards about your trusted shampoo advertised in the national daily. That beautician recommending you that dye is now advising your colleagues to not use the same hue, because it's outdated and is a major fashion faux pas!! Alas, the faith you kept in that advertiser, all gone in vain. Then you know, all is worthless. The very attempt to even making your hair look-able enough is worthless. You face the nakedness of media, advertisers’ fabrication and people's malicious motive to ruin your already bad hair into even the worst case.

Then, you come to hear about one man who has finally found the remedy for it. Now your hair can be as beautiful as you've always wanted, in fact more than you could imagine. He comes with a promise of never letting your hopes down again. He declared to be the only one to have that miracle for your hair. You see him being used, tested, praised and advertised in most of the countries. You see people using his products become happy and content (well, most of them). But when passing the fifth street downtown, you also see some people accusing this great inventor to be a fake filth. They claim so wickedly of the impossibility to care the hair problems that's ever increasing. And you take a bus from the stop, you hear all people talking about this man and his work. They're validating his declaration of the remedy and the truth this man carries. And you're surprised not because everyone is thinking of this particular clown, but because everyone's talking and filling the void spaces that followed the bus till yesterday. You never saw that bus as lively and noisy as it became because of that “doctor”. Well, you thanked him at heart for at least bringing the humanity out of the city dwellers, for they talked to each other! A great progress for a bustling metropolis.

Now you became interested in this man and wanted to see if still there was any hope to your hair. You're doubting almost equally as you're thinking to give this guy a chance. Your dream of having that perfect hair sprouts again in your heart. Still, you suppress that happiness understanding the pain it could leave when the hope is scattered. At ground, you notice now a white paper with some red outlines, inviting anyone who sees it to try this guy and his hair product. He's ready to give anyone a more personal, tailored counseling on repairing and restoring your hair.

You seriously think of giving this guy a chance, even though that friend you talked with over the phone just some moments ago laughed at his way of working (though he hasn't tried even once). Your heart pounds heavily as you signed up for the appointment in his clinic… and after some moments, the text reads, “congratulations, you've signed up for the appointment. You are to visit me tomorrow at the earliest 7:00 am. I'm concerned of your hair and would love to help you. After all, it's for people like you I brought this medicine first.” Wow, such a personal message within some moments? You're impressed.

Now, you visit this guy, finally! He's warm in smile and welcoming. He has an assistant to help him and you throughout this procedure. This assistant brings water when required, offers shampoo when you should wash, is always there when the doctor’s away. He sees your hair, checks it, examines it, tries to calculate the quality and rechecks if there's any hope for a better hair in its natural state… Bad news! There's none!!! Then he comes to point, brings the real problem you're having in your hair. The reasons behind its badness, behind those dryness, itches, roughness, he brings the hurtful truth so straight, but still with an elegance and humility. Finally, he answers the remedy to your hair… you're not listening to him as you're sweating a lot thinking of the worse condition now, of the better condition it's gonna be if you let him work in you, and of the washroom you wanted to use after hearing the bitter truth of your hair.

The remedy is you giving up all that worse hair to him and applying that divine oil in your bald hair. In the mean time,  his assistant will get rid of all the residues, and bad hair from you. He guarantees the work of this oil, as he himself used it and the result is so clear in front of our eyes: thick healthy hair, out of any deformities or traces of badness. But… BALD? Seriously? You keep on thinking of the consequences, but the doctor is patiently waiting for your reply. He's letting you think seriously of this remedy, as this will change your life and you'll never be that same self criticizing, doubting loath you've found yourself to be… still, you're taking much time to think of letting this man work…

Thus, I recommend you to think very deeply but quickly, as the time’s running out of your hand. See, you loved your life so much, as your hair. You always followed the world to make your life better, but of no use. You tried everything physical, mental, social, religious, “spiritual” even, still there's no guarantee of your salvation. Every person or philosophy you depended on proved to be a lie, and you lost your hope. But Jesus, came with a remedy and with a guarantee to fix your life. Not just your appearance, but the whole of you, from its roots! The only thing he's asking you is to go bald (leave your old lifestyle) and get the treatment from him. Holy Spirit is standing by you if you need help. All you need to do is to accept your shortcomings (sinful life) and ask for his priceless remedy (salvation). Jesus, my dear, is there for you. Always and always, just reply him soon, before time (your life) runs out!

Written by:
Ayub Das Pariyar, Humanities BA Final Year, Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus

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