Thursday, February 16, 2017

God intervene in my life.

Hello everyone,
Jaimessiah and Greetings,

First of all, my mind boggles on those spectacular posts of hiking; it was done by our youths, whatsoever!  Though my first & last hiking was CBS first hiking, it was awesome! I missed the second one.
My name is Josep Baidya; age 20, born in High-Class Newar Family in Namo Buddha, Kavre but currently residing in Texas, United States. I completed my High School from National institute of Science and Technology (NIST Banepa) taking major in Computer Sciences in the strict care of my parents! 

I grew up in a Christian family, so I was surrounded by God and the church but in real sense I didn’t know Him, I just knew about Him. At my lowest point when I was alone and afraid, God drew me to Himself. From growing up in a Christian home, I knew what to do. I knew that He could save me if I just let Him. I confessed that I am a sinner and that I was trying to find life in other people and myself. I acknowledged that He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that I can be saved from my sin and have eternal life. I committed to live for God instead of others. I believed in Bible when I was studying in grade 5 and became officially called Christian (Baptized) from Nov 2, 2013.  Actually, I was not censured by any fair-minded people, not much enough but only by some clerics and doctor vanaudamanncheharu and some thulabadavanauda ghau ko mancheharu. But I knew these all going to be happen. I think these situations come to any Christians, just for making themselves humble. In addition, even before coming in the States, I know how God intervene in my life. I tried a lot to fix problems by self. No passport – -No documents – -no nothing – – deadlines gone– Everything was a mess! Everything was done in a hurry. I was completely frustrated. But what I knew was, as long as life remains, HOPE remains. I was ready for the interview within a month and a half! Everything was done! Mess turned into a message. Amazing

6 months were gone, neighbors use started to ask what I was doing without studying. They used to say, “Tero Yesu le khana dincha talai?”, and blah blah… But I never questioned them. God will be the cause and the reason for each and every aftermath. Since knowing Him, God showed me that being a “Christian” isn’t about just doing good works. He made it clear that I do not have to earn my salvation or His love (Eph. 2:8-9). He has given me fulfillment and purpose and joy. I am not perfect and I still mess up, but God loves me despite my flaws and imperfections. The things I was pursuing before continually let me down, God has never once left me. God loved me even at my lowest point, and He rescued me from myself and eternal separation from Him.

Emphasizing the word testimony, I would rather prominence to the word BLESSING. It is because, ahilesamma jjastwovayepani, j jastwogarepani, I still remember the days that I prayed for the things I have now. It will be a year in Jan 20, that I passed the interview for my visa. He is the LORD, who keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light (psalm 18: 28). Ani, the very first thing is, I have got a whole lot: a CBS FAMILY! Even we are faithless, He remains faithful God is good
Thank you for reading.
Hope to see CBS soon!

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